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Check out the schedule of events for both Oh, Magic Hour and A Backwards Story! Don't miss a second of all the great stuff we have in store for you! If you post about our underwater friends online, share your link here! Grab some promotional buttons for your blog and stop back for fun guest posts, exciting author visits, giveaways, reviews, and more! Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest |
Today is the day that underwater lovers have been waiting for, the dawn of the fourth annual Splash into Summer!
I began this yearly event out of my love for mermaids and their
splashy friends. This year, I'm pleased to announce that Emily from Oh, Magic Hour and her co-blogger Danie are co-hosting the event! And they're mermaid newbies! We shall corrupt these girls to our ways, yes we shall!
We have so many reviews, guest posts, author interviews, discussions, giveaways, and more for you. I hope you have as much fun as us for the next two weeks! Stop back every day to see something new!
On each post, you'll see something like this:
When you see this, you can click the links to return to the two Splash Main Pages, where you can access the schedule, navigate to posts that have already gone up, see what's coming next, and find out how you can get involved! (I am going to TRY to get better at updating Tumblr. SWEAR! ^^;;) Also, feel free to snag the button or banner to share on your sidebars, or in your own Splashy posts! (Both are fully resizable.)
There's also a Participation Linky for anyone posting about mermaids, selkies, or any other underwater beings during the next two weeks who wants to link up!
I'll continue updating my own schedule with what's going on at A Backwards Story right here on this post, because that's probably easier for some of you to keep up with, right? So mark this post for the next two weeks! You'll also be able to see Oh, Magic Hour's daily schedule here!
*{Winner's Choice} BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE
*{PB} THE GOLDEN CITY and THE SEAT OF MAGIC by J. Kathleen Cheney
*$20 GC from CORAL & BONE by Tiffany Daune
*{PB} THE SAVAGE BLUE by Zoraida Córdova
*{2 PB, 2 Kindle} SIREN'S SECRET by Debbie Herbert
*{Hardcover and Handmade Bookmark} THE VICIOUS DEEP by Zoraida Córdova
*...More to Come!
August 10th:
*Schedule of Events
*Participation Linky
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for even more splashy goodies!
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Check out the schedule of events for both Oh, Magic Hour and A Backwards Story! Don't miss a second of all the great stuff we have in store for you! If you post about our underwater friends online, share your link here! Grab some promotional buttons for your blog and stop back for fun guest posts, exciting author visits, giveaways, reviews, and more! Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest |
When you see this, you can click the links to return to the two Splash Main Pages, where you can access the schedule, navigate to posts that have already gone up, see what's coming next, and find out how you can get involved! (I am going to TRY to get better at updating Tumblr. SWEAR! ^^;;) Also, feel free to snag the button or banner to share on your sidebars, or in your own Splashy posts! (Both are fully resizable.)
There's also a Participation Linky for anyone posting about mermaids, selkies, or any other underwater beings during the next two weeks who wants to link up!
If you missed out on previous Splash into Summer events, check out:
Year One
to see all the book reviews, guest posts, interviews, and miscellaneous posts that occurred!
I'll continue updating my own schedule with what's going on at A Backwards Story right here on this post, because that's probably easier for some of you to keep up with, right? So mark this post for the next two weeks! You'll also be able to see Oh, Magic Hour's daily schedule here!
Splash into Summer Schedule of Events at A Backwards Story
***Most days, posts at ABS will be live at 9 am EST,
but I'll post the links before they're live for you as I can!***
but I'll post the links before they're live for you as I can!***
(Because there are a few since Emily and I pushed the date a bit. Sorry about that! But they'll post alongside splashy posts that day and not standalone, though some are required top posts!)
*{Interview/Giveaway} STORM SIREN by Mary Weber
*{Review/Giveaway} STORM SIREN by Mary Weber
*{Official Cover Reveal} THE SPIRIT HEIR by Kaitlyn Davis
*{Tour Exclusive Excerpt/Giveaway} THE CINDERELLA THEOREM by Kristee Ravan
*{Review/Giveaway} STORM SIREN by Mary Weber
*{Official Cover Reveal} THE SPIRIT HEIR by Kaitlyn Davis
*{Tour Exclusive Excerpt/Giveaway} THE CINDERELLA THEOREM by Kristee Ravan
*{Winner's Choice} BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE
*{PB} THE GOLDEN CITY and THE SEAT OF MAGIC by J. Kathleen Cheney
*$20 GC from CORAL & BONE by Tiffany Daune
*{PB} THE SAVAGE BLUE by Zoraida Córdova
*{2 PB, 2 Kindle} SIREN'S SECRET by Debbie Herbert
*{Hardcover and Handmade Bookmark} THE VICIOUS DEEP by Zoraida Córdova
*...More to Come!
August 10th:
*Schedule of Events
*Participation Linky
*Splash into Summer Questionairre!
*Enter to Win a Splashy Book of YOUR CHOICE!
*What Makes Mermaids Special?
*Enter to Win a Splashy Book of YOUR CHOICE!
*What Makes Mermaids Special?
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for even more splashy goodies!
August 11th:
*{Review} PRETTY IN PEARLS by Tera Lynn Childs
*Learn How To Look Like A Mermaid!
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for Emily's review of Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve & Sarah McIntyre!
*{Guest Post} "Mermaids: Swimming from Fiction to Real Life" with guest poster W.Memes
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for even more splashy goodies. She's featuring a fun interview with J. Kathleen Cheney, the author of THE GOLDEN CITY and THE SEAT OF MAGIC!
*{Guest Post/Giveaway} "Coral & Bone Epic Playlist" by Author Tiffany Daune
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for her WoW featuring Atlantia by Ally Condie!
*Learn How To Look Like A Mermaid!
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for Emily's review of Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve & Sarah McIntyre!
August 12th:
*Top Ten Books For Non-Mermaid Fans*{Guest Post} "Mermaids: Swimming from Fiction to Real Life" with guest poster W.Memes
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for even more splashy goodies. She's featuring a fun interview with J. Kathleen Cheney, the author of THE GOLDEN CITY and THE SEAT OF MAGIC!
August 13th:
*{WoW: Splashy Ones to Watch} DANCING ON KNIVES by Kate Forsyth and THE SUMMER OF CHASING MERMAIDS by Sarah Ockler*{Guest Post/Giveaway} "Coral & Bone Epic Playlist" by Author Tiffany Daune
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for her WoW featuring Atlantia by Ally Condie!
August 14th:
*{Guest Post} "Mermaid Statues From Around The World" by blogger The Flashlight Reader!
*{Guest Post} "Mermaid Statues From Around The World" by blogger The Flashlight Reader!
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for a list of Danie's favorite mermaid movies!
*{Review & Interior Design Vlog} DEEP BLUE by Jennifer Donnelly
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for Grace from Books of Love's guest review and giveaway of THE SAVAGE BLUE by Zoraida Córdova!
August 16th:
*{Review} SEVEN TEARS INTO THE SEA by Terri Farley
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for an author interview and giveaway with Debbie Herbert!
August 17th:
*{Guest Post/Giveaway} "To Tail or Not to Tail…" by Author J. Kathleen Cheney
*Coming Soon: MYTHS AND MERMAIDS: Oracle of the Water by Jasmine Becket-Griffith
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for an awesome post entitled "Why Mermaids?" where Emily talks about how she fell in love with mermaids!
August 18th:
*Mermaid Spotting in THE SANDMAN: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie by William Joyce!*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for an interview and Giveaway with THE NEPTUNE PROJECT Author Polly Holyoke!
August 19th:
*{Interview} Anna Banks, Author of The Syrena Legacy (OF POSEIDON, OF TRITON, OF NEPTUNE)*{Guest Post} "Russian Rusalki" with DREAMING ANASTASIA Author Joy Preble
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for a review of THE GOLDEN CITY by J. Kathleen Cheney!
August 20th:
*{Interview} Jennifer Donnelly, Author of DEEP BLUE*Behind the Scenes with Author Soman Chainani on the Mermaid Spotting in A WORLD WITHOUT PRINCES!
*{WoW: Splashy Ones to Watch} SACRED SEAS by Karen Amanda Hooper
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for more splashtastic posts featuring a guest post with Jessie Reads Everything on "The Truth of The Little Mermaid" and a review of FORGIVE MY FINS by Tera Lynn Childs!
August 21st:
*{Guest Post/Giveaway} Zoraida Córdova (Author of THE VICIOUS DEEP) "On Trilogy Making, Book Babies, Beasties, and Picking Favorites. Or, THE VAST AND BRUTAL SEA is my favorite of the trilogy"*{Interview} Amalie Howard, Author of WATERFELL
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for more splashtastic posts featuring an interview/giveaway with author Maureen Betita and a "Splashy Playlist" with Jen of FefferBooks!
August 22nd:
*Guest poster Trish Thacker Interviews Author Seanan McGuire and Reviews ONE SALT SEA*{Early Review} ATLANTIA by Ally Condie
*{Alternative Free Fridays} DROWNING MERMAIDS by Nadia Scrieva and A MERMAID FOR CHRISTMAS by Nichole Chase
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for more splashtastic posts as Emily reviews THE NEPTUNE PROJECT by Polly Holyoke and features a guest post on "Writing About Mermaids" with Author Katie O'Sullivan!
August 23rd:
*{Guest Post} "Here's to Selkies and the Lives Lived Between Two Worlds" by Author Sarah McGuire*{Guest Post} "Edible Mermaids: Ningyo and Rumiko Takahashi's Mermaid Saga” by Author Sarah Cross
*{Review} ASHES ON THE WAVES by Mary Lindsey
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for a splashtastic interview/giveaway with SAPPHIRE CITY author Amy Richie.!
August 24th:
*{Guest Post} "The Process Behind Designing A Book" with MONSTROUS BEAUTY Author Elizabeth Fama *Get Decked Out in Mermaid Fashion! (Learn How To Look Like A Mermaid, Part II)
*Mermaid Spotting in WONDERS OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD by Patricia McKillip
*Don't forget to stop by Oh, Magic Hour today for more splashtastic posts!
Still to Come...
*Splash into Summer Wrap-Up!Look for it next weekend (Because this coming week is full of tour stops!)
Lots going on here. I look forward to a few reviews and good reads.