{Guest Post/Giveaway} Zoraida Córdova (Author of THE VICIOUS DEEP) "On Trilogy Making, Book Babies, Beasties, and Picking Favorites. Or, THE VAST AND BRUTAL SEA is my favorite of the trilogy"
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Zoraida Córdova was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador. She made her way up north and now works in the glittering New York City nightlife. She likes shiny things like Christmas, merdudes, and the skyline at night. She loves making new friends.
"On Trilogy Making, Book Babies, Beasties, and Picking Favorites.
Or, THE VAST AND BRUTAL SEA is my favorite of the trilogy"
by Zoraida Córdova
I know you’re not supposed to say that. To writers, books are like our children. Unless, you actually have children. So let me rephrase this, to barren authors like myself, my books are my babies, sprung from my thoughts like Athena from Zeus.
So then how can I possibly say this?! How do you pick? It’s easy. Book 3 is my favorite because I love endings. Sad, happy, cliffhangers, blood-soaked—no matter what they bring, I love the resolution that characters get at the end of a book or a series. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought of many different ways to keep this series going. This person gets their own story, that person returns from the dead? But in the end, I wanted to give Tristan his…end.
Duh, I’m not going to tell you what happens with the SEA KINGDOM. But I will say that I had a lot of fun writing Tristan alone. In book 3 he is very much alone. A boy who starts off in THE VICIOUS DEEP as a popular jock type in high school, ends up losing a lot of the things and people he loves. I think that all heroes need their moment of solitude, a period without any help from friends or magical beings in order to discover what they want out of their journey.
Plus, Tristan gets into just as much trouble alone as he does when he’s with friends. I feel like the reviews (I READ THEM MUAHAHA) for book 3 all seem to…like…the way the trilogy ends, and this makes me happy because the last line of the trilogy is my favorite line from the book.
*Starts singing "In The End" by Linkin Park because I’m still 13 in my heart*
I love magical creatures. If I went to Hogwarts, I’d be the Care of Magical Creatures’s teachers pet. I’d be like, “Hagrid, let me buy you a firewhiskey and try to smuggle some dragons into the school.”
My mermaids are all different from each other. The court mermaids are half human and half fish. They can shift back and forth from tails to fins. The “landlocked” merpeople come in different shakes and sizes. They still have humanoid features, but also take on characteristics of sea creatures. When it comes to the sea court, I didn’t think there should JUST be half human half fish people. How about some mermaids with more “fishy” faces, or with hands that are like tentacles. The possibilities are endless. Why have the same traditional mermaids all the time, you know? I get LOST into the Tumblr void by simply clicking “mermaid” in the search. This is one of my favorite depictions of mermaids.
Other beasties in book 3 include the NAGA. In Hindu mythology, nagas are serpent creatures. I did not create these creatures. But when I was writing the scenes in the Vale of Tears, that’s what I intended. But for some reason, I’m a big fan of hybrid creatures. So the naga became this:
(That’s from page 46 of THE VAST AND BRUTAL SEA.)
The Sleeping Giants play a big part in book 3. They’re the reason Tristan goes to the Vale of Tears in the first place. When I was writing the Sleeping Giant scenes about how their strength is what Tristan really needs (read the book) and then I described this to a friend, she was like: you mean like this?
And I was like…… Kind of. Yes. So, my favorite show from childhood infiltrated my brain and gave a little flavor to this epic monster scene I wrote. Note: the sleeping giants are not made of metal.
More Book Babies
Back to my first thought of how books are like my non-human children. THE VAST AND BRUTAL SEA was a lot of fun to write. The whole trilogy was a lot of fun to write, don’t get me wrong. I set out to do one thing: write the mer-world I wanted to read about. That was my only goal. I’m extremely happy that others have loved my characters and stories along the way.
The same goes for witches. Over here I posted about my latest YA book deal! I’m very excited to share ENCANTRIX with you. You can expect angsty teen bruja (witch), a wonderland limbo full of beasts, and the kind of handsome boy your mother warned you about. Add it to your Goodreads!
For those of you who read New Adult, I have a contemporary romance, LUCK ON THE LINE, coming out November 10th from Diversion Books! Add it to your Goodreads!
Thank you all for reading. If you haven’t read THE VICIOUS DEEP, then this is your chance! I’m going to give away a hardcover and a bookmark (made by me). Also, for an autographed copy of any of my books, give a shout to Books of Wonder in NYC.
Happy reading, and swim with the fishes like,
O F F I C I A L I N F O:
Author: Zoraida Córdova
Release Date: May 1, 2012
His best friend Layla is convinced something is wrong. But how can he explain he can sense emotion like never before? How can he explain he's heir to a kingdom he never knew existed? That he's suddenly a pawn in a battle as ancient as the gods.
Something happened to him in those three days. He was claimed by the sea...and now it wants him back.
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1 hardcover copy
1 handmade bookmark
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However, if you are international, you can still enter our main giveaway for a featured book of your choice!!
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