{Tour Exclusive Excerpt/Giveaway} THE CINDERELLA THEOREM by Kristee Ravan

Check out my review of THE CINDERELLA THEOREM during A Twist in the Tail Thursday next week on August 28th! ^_^
A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

The Cinderella Theorem (The Lily Sparrow Chronicles)The Cinderella Theorem
(The Lily Sparrow Chronicles #1)
by Kristee Ravan
YA Urban Fantasy
Paperback, 367 pages
March 17th 2014
Buy It From Amazon

Fairy tales are naturally non-mathematical. That is a fact, and fifteen-year-old Lily Sparrow loves factual, mathematical logic. So when her mother confesses that Lily’s deceased father is (a) not dead, (b) coming to dinner, and (c) the ruler of a fairy tale kingdom accessible through the upstairs bathtub, Lily clings to her math to help her make sense of this new double life (1 life in the real world + 1 secret life in the fairy tale world = a double life).

Even though it’s not mathematical, Lily finds herself being pulled into a mystery involving an unhappy Cinderella, a greasy sycophant called Levi, and a slew of vanishing fairy tale characters. Racing against the clock, with a sound mathematical plan, Lily attempts to save her fairy tale friends while proving that normality = happiness.

 "From The Fireland Flame" 
by Kristee Ravan

From the Fireland Flame, the daily newspaper of EG Smythe’s Salty Fire Land:

Tybalt’s Tales, Gossip from all the Genres
August 19th has finally arrived!  The day we’ve all been waiting for, Fireland!  Princess Lily turns 15 today and finds out that she’s really a princess.  How will our secret Protector respond? Will she be thrilled? That is anybody’s guess since her royal parents, King Matt and Queen Ginnie have been pretty hush-hush about the princess’s love of fairy tales.  This columnist has heard many patrons of a certain eatery (Once Upon a Tine, located in the beautiful northeast corner of the First Ring) hopefully wish that their own tale will be Princess Lily’s favorite. 
                In the meantime, don’t forget to have your presents ready for the presentation on Saturday afternoon.  And for those of you in lesser known tales—I’m thinking of you, Clever Manka—this would be a great time to get on the Princess’s radar.  Saturday evening, we’ll dust off our best clothes and dance the night away at a ball in celebration of the Princess’s return. 
                On the subject of balls, a certain princess (with a ball in her tale) was seen crying recently at the grave of her mother.  And the real gossip?  A certain charming prince was not with her.
                I’ve also heard that the once-and-future-king fended off another evil gift from his sister.  Talk about sibling rivalry!  HEA sure has their hands full with them.
                Speaking of our very own Office of Happily Ever After Affairs (HEA), guess which workaholic Happiologist recently surpassed even Grimm’s record for Most Citizens Cheered?  Hint: He likes cherry vanilla ice cream.
                Oh, the rumors you’re hearing are true about an evil queen with a love for apples.  She did win the lottery and will be getting to present her present (see what I did there? Present the present?  Just because I’m a cat doesn’t mean I don’t like puns.) first to the Princess at Saturday’s presentation.  For Princess Lily’s sake, let’s hope she leaves the combs and laces at home!
                But the rumors you’ve heard about the ProFictionists planning to protest this weekend’s festivities are false.  The secret head of the ProFiction movement told me (secretly) while they don’t love the Sparrow family’s reign here in the Fireland, they would not want to upset the Princess on her first visit.  “It’d be too much for her, you know.  Finding out she’s a princess and finding out that there are people in her kingdom who don’t want her there.  We want to be ruled by a Fictional, yes, but we don’t want to screw up an innocent kid, either. Plus, the King’s guards told us we couldn’t.”  Well, those guards know who signs their paychecks!
                Dine at Once Upon a Tine, where a juicy story will get you a free dessert!

Calling for Reviewers!

We're looking for reviewers! You don't need a blog to sign up, but you do need to at least post a review on Amazon. Other sites (blog, Goodreads, etc.) are also appreciated. Reviews must be completed by the end of November. To sign up, please fill out this form.

Kristee Ravan
Kristee Ravan lives in Oklahoma with her husband, daughter, and pet fish, Val (short for Valentine). She wanted to be many things as she grew up including a general, an artist, and an architect. But she never bothered to say, "I want to be a writer when I grow up." She was always writing stories and thought of herself as a writer anyway. She sent her first story to a publisher in the sixth grade. (It was rejected - in a nice way.) When she is not making up stories in her head, she enjoys reading, juggling, green smoothies, playing dollhouse with her daughter, and hearing from her fans. You can contact Kristee at the facebook page for her Lily Sparrow books: The Lily Sparrow Chronicles.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

5 copies of The Cinderella Theorem (print for US winners, ebook for international winners)
Ends August 31st