Splash into Summer Questionairre!

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It's always a little bit of a struggle coming up with fresh interview questions, but it's a fun struggle, especially in an event like this — when many people are answering the same questions, you just know the variety of answers is going to be interesting!

This year, we put together a fun list of questions to ask our authors so that they weren't ONLY talking about their books. 

BUT THEN we thought, wouldn't it be interesting if everybody had a chance to answer these questions, and weigh in? 

Yes, we decided. Yes. It. Would. 

So below, you'll find a selection of the questions that we sent out for interviews this year. If you have a moment and are so inclined, please fill in YOUR answers and let us know! We'll share the results at the end of Splash into Summer!
Let us know how YOU'D answer this year's Splash Into Summer questions!
