Hey Bookworms!
This post doubles as this week's TTT "freebie post" because we're talking about our top, well...everything!
[Albeit a day early...blog tour stop tomorrow!]
Today, I have a VERY special treat for you.
Longtime followers may remember my good friend Kat,
who used to blog with me on Fridays!
Kat's computer had a critical crash last year, so she had to stop blogging. Buuuuut her wonderful fiancé gave her a new one for Christmas!
So in 2015, Kat is blogging again! She's also going to try to blog more frequently than once a week because she misses y'all so much and has so much to say! ^_^
If you haven't previously met Kat, here's her Introduction!
Here are all of the reviews she's done as well!
Today, we present to you...
This post doubles as this week's TTT "freebie post" because we're talking about our top, well...everything!
[Albeit a day early...blog tour stop tomorrow!]
Today, I have a VERY special treat for you.
Longtime followers may remember my good friend Kat,
who used to blog with me on Fridays!
Kat's computer had a critical crash last year, so she had to stop blogging. Buuuuut her wonderful fiancé gave her a new one for Christmas!
So in 2015, Kat is blogging again! She's also going to try to blog more frequently than once a week because she misses y'all so much and has so much to say! ^_^
If you haven't previously met Kat, here's her Introduction!
Here are all of the reviews she's done as well!
Today, we present to you...
Our Top 26, well, everything, of 2014!
Intrigued? Do read on!
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Bunny and Kat's friend Casey made this fab banner (Because he's AWESOME like that...even if he doesn't have a real-life animal nickname like us!) and Bunny's friend W. Memes colored it, while Bunny made the fun typography! (And she's so awesome that she's done guest posts for both FTF and Splash this past year!) Great teamwork! We'll be using it when we want to do posts together in the future! |
Bunny & Kat choose...
The Best of 2014
The Best of 2014
What's the start of a new year without a look back at the previous one?
Kat and I put together our favorites in 26 select categories to share with you!
What are YOUR favorites of 2014??
DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME by Kate Karyus Quinn Again, beautiful typography! I love the way this book's title is made up of twisted tree branches! Again, I don't know much about the book...I think it's horror or a mystery? So the twisted branches work!
WINTERKILL by Kate Boorman Once more with the typography! If the cover uses creative design in its title/author, I'll take notice! I love the way the title is ag ate, and the girl is escaping. It makes me want to pick up the book and learn more!
MERCY SNOW by Tiffany Baker Okay, once more with the typography...AND a third cover related to branches! I like the simplicity of this, and the way the title is spelled out by branches lying in the snow. It's foreboding and lonely and makes me want to know more!
ALENA by Rachel Pastan This book looks so good in person. Each swipe of paint is embossedn ad looks like someone really painted it. I love the texture, the wetness, the realness of this design!
STITCHING SNOW by R.C. Lewis I just filmed a cover analysis vlog for this one, and can't wait to share it with you soon. This cover is embossed and gorgeous. I had to buy a finished copy! At first, you think the design is made by stitching, as in embroidery, but after you start reading and understanding, it's circuitry! Such an amazing design!
A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU by Claudia Gray I love the watercolor vibe and the imperfect design that bleeds off the page. The colors are beautiful, too, and the two opposing worlds are so interesting. It made me want to read it and know more, even though I'm not a super hardcore sci-fi reader!
THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski THIS COVER. I AM SO IN LOVER WITH THIS COVER! (So is Kat, actually, but she forgot about this one! ^.~) I love the unusual angling of the typography. i love the way her head/her agony is front and center. I love the way she is grabbing the R. This cover is AMAZING.
THE ISLAND OF EXCESS LOVE by Francesca Lia Block This cover is so artistic and fresh. I swear, I see something new every time I look at it. I love the dual imagery, the shadows, the feathers, the way the elements work together so well!
SNOW LIKE ASHES by Sara Raasch I wanted to read this book before it ever had a cover. But once the cover was revealed, man! I wanted it even more! I love the different glimpses of scenery that are superimposed into the design and the way it's structured. It's very harmonious, which works for the story's elements as well. I can't wait to see the next two covers in the trilogy!
TALON by Julie Kagawa This is a book best held and seen in person. I received an ARC and wasn't impressed with how it looked. However, when I saw it finished on a shelf I HAD TO BUY IT. Absolutely gorgeous design!
STITCHING SNOW by R.C. Lewis This is a book that you can kind of judge by its cover, only in that it captured the fact that it's a totally cool sci-fi Snow White. Another book you have to hold and admire in person. Dooooo iiiitttt!
THE RING AND THE CROWN by Melissa De La Cruz
INFINITE by Jodi Meadows
CRESS by Marissa Meyer
THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski
THE JEWEL by Amy Ewing
I loved this interior so much that I vlogged about it:
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(And....it's $2.99 on nook and Kindle now. Can I recommend it AGAIN right now if you haven't read it yet!?)
K:For me, Susan Dennard's SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY trilogy. I want more people to talk to about these books, because they are so empowering! A close second is, once again, Jodi Meadows' NEW SOUL trilogy. I can't stop talking about Jodi. I don't think I ever will.
[Book 3 Interview; Reviews of Book 1 and Book 2]
Special mention to Sarah J. Maas' THRONE OF GLASS series, because I got my sister-in-laws to read them this year and they're hooked. Back in May during BEA, if I didn't come home with an ARC of HEIR OF FIRE, I was going to receive capital punishment. (You best believe I got a copy!) [Review of THRONE OF GLASS]
RUNNER UP: THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS by Rick Riordan I was CERTAIN that specific things would happen by the series end that DIDN'T, ones that had been hinted about. I also read THE MARK OF ATHENA and THE HOUSE OF HADES for the first time this year alongside BLOOD and experienced many unexpected turns in this series!
K: THE BROKEN EYE by Brent Weeks I just can't. He is torturing me.
K: STRANGE AND EVER AFTER by Susan Dennard slayed me, but it was so darn good I couldn't put it down. Well done, Dennard.
[Book 3 Interview; Reviews of Book 1 and Book 2]
6) Best Kissing Scene:
B: Okay, I'm gonna kinda cheat. Last year, I was SO EXCITED about a book I read that weekend that I had to include it, even though I read it in 2014, technically. This year, it still stands out as the best kissing scene, so I'm going to bring it out again with...
THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER by Megan Shepherd I grabbed my phone after reading this and started chattering to Kat about awesome kissing scenes. And THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER has this AWESOME kissing scene that takes place on a lab table among all this crazy equipment, of all things! But it's hot. As Kat said,"OOoo, a lab table. Nerd-raunchy! I liiiike it! You always know how to tempt me." So see? Hot raunchy lab kissing. How can I leave that off the list???
K: For me, personally, the unexpected kiss between friends in DARK METROPOLIS by Jaclyn Dolamore. I was so happy she went there! I saw the tension, and the kiss was so perfectly executed. It wasn't the most romantic, but it was the kiss I wanted the most.
B: FORBIDDEN by Kimberley Griffiths Little I don't understand why more people aren't talking about this one. I really loved it and am looking forward to the sequel! I was dying when I discovered it was part of a series and not a stand-alone!
B: Going on such a big contemporary kick for so long this year. I read 51 contemporary novels this year out of the 147 books that Goodreads is listing. Maybe more, since I didn't always list what I read or I removed a book if I DNF. But 51! That is 1/3 of my year. A lot of that--a LOT of that--was from chasing after books that promised to be more like Emery Lord's OPEN ROAD SUMMER, which had a lasting impact on me. I wanted more books about Hollywood, singers, etc. I made a week around the theme, A Week of Shooting Stars. I'm still signing up to review books in this genre. My first book of 2015 that I read for FUN and not for a tour? An ARC of Emery Lord's upcoming novel THE START OF ME AND YOU. A CONTEMPORARY NOVEL. My love is stunning, since I'm such a big fantasy girl!
K: Marissa Meyer's announcement that WINTER is being pushed back for a totally cool villain novella. At first I was sad, but as soon as I heard it was about the Lunar Queen, my interest was piqued.
Seeing Brent Weeks' NIGHT ANGEL trilogy become a graphic novel! And pretty hard-cover ones, at that!
B: I actually enjoyed going to ALA Midwinter even more than BEA. I was THERE when they announced the year's award winners, especially the prestigious Newbery, Caldecott, and Printz Awards. I was there as book history was being made, and nobody can take that away from me!
The atmosphere was also fantastic: It was less rushed, and everyone was so nice and helpful and calm! I also got to meet authors I love such as Gabrielle Zevin Lisa T. Bergren, as well as newly minted award winners such as Cat Winters! It was amazing to me that the publishers were giving away so many finished copies of their books on the last day, and that I walked away with so many books! The very first thing I read was DOLL BONES by Holly Black, which had been a Newbery finalist that day!
For author signings, I got to moderate a panel for the first time this year! About 25-30 people showed up, and I was so nervous! It was a moderated MG Fantasy Panel on Once Upon a Time Day at my local Barnes and Noble, and the panelists were E.D. Baker (THE FROG PRINCESS, THE WIDE-AWAKE PRINCESS, more), Christopher Healy (The Hero's Guide Trilogy), Kit Grindstaff (THE FLAME IN THE MIST), and Lauren Magaziner (THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN WITCHES). It was such a memorable event in my life!
K: ALA Midwinter way back when in January was such a pleasure. Even though I missed the last day because I got really sick, I had a blast! It had all the wonder of BEA but lacked the high-strung crowds. Special mention:
As fun as ALA was this year, I actually had the pleasure of seeing Robin LaFevers earlier this fall and LOVED her. A smaller event, but just as wonderful!
K: I can't not pick Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. I swear she just out-does herself every time.
B: ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE by Anthony Doerr This was the final book I read in 2014 (I finished it in 2015 BUT). I had been reading another book that I wanted to love, a YA novel, and I had been reading it so slowly that I'd gotten through 60 pages in a week. I picked up Doerr's adult novel that's out of my preferred genres, and breezed through 70 pages in an hour. I was done in a matter of days. I wanted to stop working, go on break/go home/etc. and READ THIS BOOK. I'll be reviewing it in the next week or two, but OMG, it's great. It's a historical novel that takes place during WWII and features a blind Parisian girl who escapes during the bombings and a young boy with a head for math who, through wanting to escape the minds and study, inadvertently becomes a Nazi. It is stunningly good.
K: It did not come out this year, however, it was new to me: Rainbow Rowell's FANGIRL. I do not often read realistic fiction; I like my fiction totally out of the realm of the real world. But FANGIRL reached me in a way that I haven't been since I first discovered the Boy Who Lived way back when.
INFINITE by Jodi Meadows was just perfect, perfect, perfect! Reading this book terrified me so much...but it was so good!
RUIN AND RISING by Leigh Bardugo: Another series ender that terrified me, but that I wanted desperately to read. And IT WAS SO GOOD!
DELIVERANCE by C. J. Redwine: I was on pins and needles waiting to see how this one ended. The series could be so dark and gritty, and I just wanted everything to wind up okay. The characters go through so much, but the journey is really worth it!
K: INFINITE by Jodi Meadows steals it here. It got pretty horrible for the characters in this trilogy. Then it got strange and scary. Then it got joyous. What an uplifting ending!
B: HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Maas I wasn't expecting the series to get so much better! I wanted to read POVs from everyone, even the villain, Manon Blackbeak, whom I can't WAIT to see more of! There's so much action and adventure in this. Celaena has been through so much, but she's still kick-ass!
K: HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Maas Celaena wins again. Her struggles and triumphs this year were even more spectacular.
K: This year was more of a finisher for me. I did not start many new series at all, but DEATH SWORN by Leah Cypess definitely comes to mind first for me. What an interesting world she has weaved. I can't wait to get out of those caves!
B: This is actually one of the hardest categories for me this year. I have read a ridiculous amount of good retellings, many of them during Fairy Tale Fortnight. Ultimately, I'm going to have to go with PRINCESS OF THORNS by Stacey Jay, because it was so uniquely retold and original and engaging. But there were some really great, innovative ones this year, and if I can give a quick shout-out to only one more, it has to be for CRUEL BEAUTY by Rosamund Hodge. I couldn't believe she combined fairy tales and mythology into a brand-new world!
K: Definitely STITCHING SNOW by R.C. Lewis. It remained true to its origin, but also managed to be its own thing. I was worried it would be a lot like Marissa Meyer's The Lunar Chronicles, but it wasn't.
B: Janan from INFINITE by Jodi Meadows immediately comes to mind. He is something else, and the things he does...I can't even talk about him without spoilers!
I also loved all of the scenes with Manon Blackbeak from Sarah J. Maas' HEIR OF FIRE. It isn't often that you're introduced to characters a lengthy way into a series. Manon isn't a "good" character (Not right now...I foresee much to come with her!), but her journey was stunning, and I ate up all of her chapters. Such a fascinating character!
K: Definitely Marcus from STRANGE AND EVER AFTER by Susan Dennard. He almost succeeded! Janan from INFINITE by Jodi Meadows is a very close second. He also almost succeeded!
[Dennard's Book 3 Interview; Reviews of Book 1 and Book 2; INFINITE]
B: Matt Finch from Emery Lord's OPEN ROAD SUMMER. I want Matt to exist in real life...and sing "Human" for real. I think part of why I loved ORS so much and am looking to recapture that magic is due to Matt. I love, love, love him!
K: Captain Thorne. I was very amused by his stepping into a main character role in Marissa Meyer's CRESS.
B: Celaena from HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Maas wins this category, in my eyes, for the second year running! She's just so kick-ass and amazing and able to get through the odds stacked against her despite everything! I really respect her as a character.
K: Celaena! I can't get over her, and how much more awesome she became by the end of HEIR OF FIRE. A special shout out to Cinder from Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles, though, because she is really turning into a force to be reckoned with.
B: THE ORPHAN QUEEN by Jodi Meadows It sounds AMAZING. And I love Jodi!
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES by Sarah J. Maas Sarah J. Maas + Beauty and the Beast? I AM SO IN!
WINTER by Marissa Meyer The finale!!!! I can't even!
ASH AND BRAMBLE by Sarah Prineas I loved WINTERLING, and now I'm ready for a fairy tale!
THE HEART OF BETRAYAL by Mary Pearson One of my most highly-anticipated sequels!
SERPENTINE by Cindy Pon I LOVE Cindy Pon and wish more readers knew her. I'm so excited for a new novel from her!
SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo A companion series to SHADOW AND BONE??? Yes. Just yes!
THE STORYSPINNER by Becky Wallace I've wanted to read this one since the publishing deal was announced...or since she got her agent? I forget which came first. But A LONG TIME!
UNTITLED (The Elemental Series #3) by Sherry Thomas I must know how the series ends!
THE LAST EVER AFTER by Soman Chainani Again, I must know how it all ends!!!
FAIREST by Marissa Meyer. Since its announcement, I have a dozen and some change questions about her Evil Queen.
THRONE OF GLASS 4 by Sarah J. Maas of course!
GLITTERING SHADOWS by Jaclyn Dolamore. I absolutely loved DARK METROPOLIS and I need more.
THE ROSE SOCIETY by Marie Lu. As of finalizing my answers to this post, I am halfway through THE YOUNG ELITES and I am obsessed.
FORGED by Erin Bowman. I recently read TAKEN and I couldn't put it down. I just want to own the complete trilogy.
MORTAL HEART by Robin LaFevers in paperback. I like my books to match each other, and I picked her books up in paperback because I like DARK TRIUMPH's cover better.
THE FIFTH WAVE 3 by Rick Yancey. I really want to know where these books are going.
DEATH MARKED by Leah Cypess. I want more of this world!
20) Top 5 Books We WANTED To Read...But Didn't Get To!:
B: The Darkest Minds Trilogy by Alexandra Bracken I have been collecting these books for THREE YEARS and waiting to read them back-to-back. I have wanted them since BRIGHTLY WOVEN was new in hardcover and she was still WRITING the first book before it was renamed. I am so ashamed!
The Abhorsen Quartet by Garth Nix I owned one or two of these back when. They got boxed up and lost. I've heard good things about them ever since. Now they're re-released with new covers and I even got to MEET Garth Nix in May. But have I had time to read these books? No!
THE LOST by Sarah Beth Durst I haven't had time to read my Sarah Beth Durst books in a couple of years now, and Sarah gave me this one at BEA this year. MUST FIND TIME!
THE YOUNG ELITES by Marie Lu I let the mixed reviews push this one aside for me, and now people I trust are saying amazing things. Book, I want to get to you!
NEVERHOME by Laird Hunt One of the BEA Titles I coveted above all others. I even got Laird Hunt's very last copy in his signing line. I talked it up to all of my co-workers. And yet, I am the one who hasn't read it yet!
K: THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski - It's pretty. I bought a finished copy. People raved about it. I still haven't read it. Ugh.
LEGEND by Marie Lu. I have heard so many good things! I even met her back in May, ugh.
THE QUEEN OF THE TEARLING by Erika Johansen. Another book people raved about. I tried to read it earlier this year, but I just couldn't get into it. It's been an off year for me.
THE KISS OF DECEPTION by Mary E. Pearson. I know, these titles are incredible. I am kind of ashamed of myself.
ELEANOR & PARK by Rainbow Rowell. I also have a finished copy. Rainbow herself gave it to me. I am very ashamed that I haven't read it yet.
B: FINAL BOOK: INCARNATE by Jodi Meadows was all I ever wanted and more. I was so terrified about what to make of this series going in because Jodi likes to say things online. I didn't care if everyone died, or lived, or WHATEVER. I just wanted Sam and Ana to do it TOGETHER. I was so pleased with the book's oucome!
ONGOING BOOK: Either THE PERILOUS SEA by Sherry Thomas or HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Maas. I want more of both!
FIRST BOOK: I guess I already answered this in Best New Series BUT.... KISS OF DECEPTION by Mary Pearson or THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski. I also really loved FAMOUS IN LOVE by Rebecca Serle!
K: Strange and Ever After by Susan Dennard. The third and final book. I read it very early last year and I still sigh over it.
[Book 3 Interview; Reviews of Book 1 and Book 2]
(Probably not new to YOU!...but WE have never read these favorites before 2013!):
B: The moment when Katie from Katie's Book Blog gave me her extra copy of a book I'd never heard of called FAMOUS IN LOVE by Rebecca Serle, or the moment a former Macmillan publicist now at Bloomsbury emailed me about her move, asked to work with me, and sent me the novels OPEN ROAD SUMMER by Emery Lord and NOT IN THE SCRIPT by Amy Finnegan. All three of these books changed my reading habits for the entire year AND created the idea that became A Week of Shooting Stars, which went live the week two of the three books debuted in October.
These people may never know how strongly they affected me, but it made a huge impact!
K: Here I mention FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell again! She graced me with her presence and gifted me with this book and I will be forever grateful.
B: GILDED ASHES by Rosamund Hodge I had really been looking forward to CRUEL BEAUTY and then when I started reading it, I was in a bad reading mood and went, "Blargh, Paranormal BS!" I decided to read GILDED ASHES for Fairy Tale Fortnight, understood who and what the Gentle Lord truly was, and decided to give CRUEL BEAUTY a second try. I'm glad because I really loved it!
K: --- [None read!]
K:--- [None read!]
K: Again, STRANGE AND EVER AFTER by Susan Dennard. I finished this book in like 3 days. I never read that fast anymore. I can't stop wanting to talk about this trilogy.
[Dennard's Book 3 Interview; Reviews of Book 1 and Book 2; INFINITE]
K: THE BROKEN EYE by Brent Weeks wins by default. It was really the only adult book I dared to try.
What do you agree/disagree with from our list?
What were YOUR 2014 favorites???
I love this list so much. I saw so many great books on the list and have to totally agree with Open Road Summer. The Winner's Curse has intrigued me. I want to read it soon.
ReplyDeleteI don't really even know where to start on this. I'm so glad you enjoyed Fangirl. I love that story. I really need to read Kiss of Deception. I've heard nothing but good things, but just didn't want to start a new series. I do plan on picking it up, though. I recently bought Open Road Summer, so I'm happy to hear the love interest is so swoon-worthy. Fantastic, thorough list!