Word Count Wednesdays (7)

Word Count Wednesday is my way of sharing my weekly writing progress with you and holding myself accountable for not giving up.

So without further ado, this week's "Word Count" for Super-Secret Project/Codename: FIZZYPOP:
(Why Fizzypop? IDEK...it sounds fun!)

This week: 4.5 pages :(
Total to Date: 78.5 pages
Start Date: March 2, 2011

How far is this in terms of a word count? I'm not sure. I get 150-400 words per page depending on how small I'm writing and/or how many cross-outs I have. (Plus, that gets me an extra round of editing!)

I'm not really that far ahead anymore, I know. I haven't had a lot of spare time to write for various reasons. I guess, in a way, I'm also dreading writing this next part. Don't get me wrong, I want to write it so BADLY. It's a scene I've had in my head forever. I'm just having trouble getting there and figuring out how I want it all to play out.

On the flip side, I downloaded the Scrivener for PC beta this month, so I feel like a real writer now! This is what the professionals use. I can save individual chapters and export them into Word, etc. It's fantastic. I also did my first round with my critiquing partner for the first two chapters. It was scary and nerve-wracking, let me tell you (especially since FIZZYPOP is only a first draft at the moment). That said, I LOVE my partner to bits. She's amazing and we have so much in common. She just sent her feedback tonight and I can already see room for improvement, as well as things I have to reflect on because they didn't work the way I expected them to.

So even though I haven't written a lot, I've *done* a lot. I'm hoping to get a nice chunk in tomorrow morning before work, though! Maybe...if I'm lucky...

That's how my week went! Do you have a WIP at the moment? What was your word count this week? To date? Let's support one another! This week, I hope you did better than me!!!


  1. You'll have to give a review for Scrivener after you've used it for awhile! I've toyed with the idea of getting it so many times, but for some reason it worries me to throw off my process, you know? Would be very curious to know your thoughts!

    As for me, I do believe I'll be finished with the first draft of Winter this weekend!!

  2. So I decided to start doing "Word Count Wednesdays" on my blog as well in an attempt to hold myself accountable for writing regularly... We'll see if it works. I gave you credit for the idea :P

  3. Go for it! I can't wait to cheer you on even more!


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