{Review/Excerpt/Giveaway} LORDS OF NIGHT by J.C. Cervantes


Love fairy tales and mythology?
Fans of mermaids, dragons, unicorns, and other mythical creatures?
Enjoy when a beloved classic tale is retold?
A Twist in the Tail Thursdays features all this and more!

O P E N I N G   H O O K:

 Once upon a night, there was a girl who didn’t know who she really was. She didn’t know how her shadow magic worked, or even where it came from. Only that it was there, deep in her blood and bones, and maybe even deeper than that.
   But to understand everything, it’s important to go all the way back to the sort of beginning.
   It started like this......

Read the entire first chapter in the excerpt below!

(Page 1, US hardcover edition)

“Tonight is a new moon. And a new lord shall awaken. You can run, my queen, but you cannot hide...


One of my favorite Rick Riordan Presents series has always been The Storm Runner trilogy by J.C. Cervantes. It is one of the series in the line that feels the most like it could live in the same world as Percy Jackson. I was incredibly excited when I heard that Cervantes was returning to the world with a new spin-off duology, and very grateful to get on the LORDS OF NIGHT tour and check the book out early!


Because I know that's the first thing new readers want to know. 

The short answer is: No. The main character, Renata Santiago, played a role in the original trilogy, but her story is brand-new. There's a mix of familiar faces and new ones, but nothing will detract from the new series if a reader is going in blind. There are references to previous adventures and people, but it's still very easy to understand.

The long answer is: It depends. Do you hate spoilers? Are you planning to eventually read THE STORM RUNNER? Okay, maybe you should check out my review of the first book in the original trilogy instead. Because certain events will be revealed. And they will be less shocking if you already know they're coming when you're reading the original series. If you don't care about spoilers, it really doesn't matter because this is a self-contained adventure. The past is summarized well when necessary (Which is also great for fans who read the first series and don't remember it as well, but want their memory jolted!) and you won't feel lost.

Don't care about those spoilers? Okay, let's go!

What is a good Rick Riordan Presents title without life-shattering prophecies, dangerous quests with friends, and the weight of the world on your shoulders? Renata Santiago is the most powerful of all the godborns, and there is a deadly prophecy revolving around the Lords of Night that plays a part in...and she does not want to claim this destiny as her own. But does she really have a choice? Renata's on her own this time around. All the godborns she befriended in the original trilogy are off doing other things, and she sort of has Marco's help, but not for long. Instead, she must turn to Ah Puch, the Mayan God of Death, for help. She is joined on her quest by new characters Edison, who is a demon, and Monty, a Jaguar Warrior. They are out to find out if the godborns who defected in the original trilogy are stirring up dangerous trouble and determined to stop them before its too late -- except maybe they themselves are the catalyst for this new deadly future...

The stakes are high in LORDS OF NIGHT and let me tell you -- the cliffhanger is deadly. Readers will instantly want the sequel and while the wait will be tough, I already know it will be worth it. I love seeing a whole series featuring Ren, who was a stand-out character in the original trilogy. The novel even opens "seven months earlier," giving readers a look at how Ren first came across Zane Obispo (the main character from The Storm Runner trilogy) and was introduced to the fact that she, too, was godborn, which was a lovely little treat. I'm so glad that Cervantes didn't end her world-building with the original trilogy and instead decided to expand through the eyes of other beloved characters. She's great at building characters readers will love, and I'm already to see what's next for Ren, Edison, and Monty, because where they are at the book's end is yikes!

Whether you love the Rick Riordan Presents line and read them all, are a fan of books immersed in mythologies from around the world, or just want a good, action packed middle-grade adventure, you've found your next read in LORDS OF NIGHT!



Excerpt from 
by J.C. Cervantes


In the beginning (sort of)

Seven months before

Once upon a night, there was a girl who didn’t know who she really was. She didn’t know how her shadow magic worked, or even where it came from. Only that it was there, deep in her blood and bones, and maybe even deeper than that. 

But to understand everything, it’s important to go all the way back to the sort of beginning. 

It started like this. 

There she was, all cuddled up on her bed with her weighted  blanket, reading a book about Maya gods and magic and curses and some overly dramatic kid named Zane Obispo. She didn’t want the story to end, but it was inevitable. The end always comes. 

Ren was just about to close the book when the last words on  the last page started to glow a greenish gold. She blinked over  and over, thinking—hoping—she could pretend the iridescent  glow wasn’t really there. No such luck. 

Someday when you least expect it, the magic will call to you.  Then, like the need for breath, Ren had a sudden urge to say  the words out loud. “The magic will call to me . . .” At first nothing happened. But then, four minutes and fifteen sighs later, a familiar tune being played on viola rushed  from the kitchen, down the hall, and under Ren’s closed bed room door. 

Ren’s heart ballooned so big and so fast she thought it was  entirely possible it might explode. This wasn’t just any song—it  was her dad’s favorite, and he had written it especially for her.  But that was impossible! He had died six years earlier and been  buried with his beloved instrument. 

Jagged stripes of lightning flashed outside. Anyone paying half attention would have thought an electrical storm was  approaching. They weren’t unusual in Galveston, Texas. Something indeed was approaching. 

The music grew faster, louder, more urgent. Ren was sure  now. The melody was definitely coming from her father’s viola,  the one that creaked when he played it. 

In that first moment of panic, Ren wondered if she could  take the words back, unsay them. Maybe if I repeat them back ward . . . she thought just as another blinding white light flashed  across the night sky. 

Then came the scratching on the pitched roof. Her mind  immediately conjured the image of a corpse trying to claw its  way out of a wood coffin. Not that she would know firsthand  what that looked like, but she had, regrettably, watched too  many zombie movies in her thirteen years. 

Ren knew the drill. She had practiced for this exact moment.  She threw off her blanket, swung her legs over the side of the  bed, and tugged on her red cowboy boots. 

Just as she opened her bedroom door, her abuelo appeared  in the hall. His gray hair was sticking up all over like a storm cloud. “It’s happening.” His low voice carried a strange tone that  sent a shudder down Ren’s spine. 

There will come a day when your shadow magic is discovered,  her abuelo had told her. On that day you will have to leave. To  run. To hide. 

Ren felt sick. Had she done this? Just by saying those words?  But it’s just a book. A book still in her grasp. 

Ren was breathing heavily now. “Do you hear Papá’s music,  too? It’s my song!” 

Abuelo shook his head, his eyes roving the ceiling. “Mira,”  he whispered, “we are going to get in the car very quietly just  like we’ve practiced. ¿Me escuchas? And we are going to follow  the music. Your music.” 

There was no time for arguing or explaining, no time to  grab her laptop with her alien blog articles or even change out  of her spaceship-patterned pajamas before her grandpa nudged  her into the garage and into the car. 

The music got even louder. 

Instead of using the remote control, Abuelo manually  opened the garage door, slowly, carefully—each inch a lifetime. Lighting flashed again. A terrible growl clung to the  night air. 

Rain began to plummet from the sky as her grandfather  slipped inside the car. He pulled the little Honda out gradually,  checking the side mirrors every two seconds. 

“Abuelo . . .” 

“Shh . . .”  

It was the dead of night. There was no traffic, no people,  no life.

The rain came harder. The lighting flashed so bright it  could’ve blinded the sun. 

“Tell me which way the music wants you to go.” Abuelo  wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. 

Ren hesitated, not trusting herself with something so  big. What if she picked wrong? But no way would her dad let  her down when she was running for her life. She took a deep  breath, tuning her ears to the instrument playing so clearly.  “Turn right.” 

Abuelo hooked a hard right, not bothering to slow down  at the stop sign. “I know you can’t control the shadows yet.”  He pulled in a long, ragged breath. “But that will change. 

Your  power will grow.” 

“But where am I supposed to hide? And for how long?” Ren  thought these were excellent questions since their drills had  never covered this part. 

Thlunk! Dark glossy wings spread across the length of the  windshield. 

Ren screamed. 

Abuelo slammed the brakes. The Honda skidded and spun  one hundred and eighty degrees, flinging the winged creature  into the air. 

What was that? Ren wondered. A huge bird? A massive bat?  She white-knuckled the dashboard. 

“You must stay calm,” Abuelo said. 

Calm?! He wanted her to stay calm? How could she? Except  that they both knew what could happen if she didn’t. Stress  usually sent her into one of her absence seizures, and the last  thing she needed right now was to pass out.

“Turn left,” she commanded. 

Abuelo pressed his foot to the pedal. 

A terrible snarl reverberated across the night. 

Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look, she told herself. The moonlit bay came into view. Ren realized what was  happening. “The music—Papa’s leading us to the water.” This  was definitely not going to turn out okay. 

“Of course,” Abuelo whispered. “Can you try to bring the  shadows now? To slow down those . . . creatures?” ¿En serio? I can barely breathe! But Ren clenched her hands  into fists anyway, because what choice did she have? She closed  her eyes and focused, nearly popping a blood vessel in her forehead. It was no use. 

Less than a minute later, Ren and her grandfather had  bolted from the car and were rushing down a dock. The rain  had slowed to a sprinkle, but the black wings . . .Ren could sense  them drawing closer. The music was rising, growing louder  with every step she took. 

Suddenly, the melody stopped, forcing Ren to a grinding  halt, too. She looked down at a dinghy knocking against the  pier. She knew the answer before she asked the question. And  all she could think was This is a dreadful escape vessel! Couldn’t  I have a yacht instead? 

“¿Eso es todo?” Abuelo wrinkled his nose. 

Ren nodded as tears pricked her eyes. “There aren’t even any  oars.” Or a blanket, or food. Or water. She tried not to think of  everything that could go wrong—things worse than no food.  Things like massive sharks with massive teeth and massive  appetites. Why did I have to go and watch Shark Week?

“The magic will guide you.” Abuelo’s voice shook. “And  wherever this boat takes you, you must always remember—” “That I come from an ancient line of the most powerful  shadow brujxs 

that have ever lived,” Ren finished, wishing she  believed that was enough to keep her safe. 

“You must go, Renata.” 

She stepped into the boat awkwardly. She could do this.  She had to do this. 

There was another growl, deep and hungry. Then, out of  nowhere, came a dark hideous fury of claws and wings and  shiny black eyes. 

Ren instinctively threw her arms over her head. There was an explosion of shadow. A thick web covered the  moaning beasts, trapping them in midair. Ren could feel power  pulsing in her fingertips like electricity. 

The creatures thrashed inside the net of shadow, wailing  with rage. 

“Very impressive,” Abuelo said, managing a proud smile. “I don’t want to leave you, Abuelo!” Ren cried. 

There was a rushed good-bye, a last embrace, a wet cheek.  A promise to reunite. 

The boat was swept out of the bay and into the sea as if  magic hands were guiding it. A new sheet of shadow hovered  protectively over the dinghy, making Ren invisible. She tugged  her pajama hood over her head and pulled her knees into her  chest, hugging herself and the book. Don’t think about the  sharks. Her heart beat faster. Or those terrible monsters. Her  pulse started racing. Or where I’m going. Her pulse was definitely off the charts.

No. Not now. No stress. Not now.  

I need to stay awake. I need to— 

The world went black. 

The boat slipped across the water, in the direction of Renata  Santiago’s destiny. And although her body was in it, her mind  wasn’t. It escaped to a place of splendor, with pink and purple  and silver skies. A jade crown on a silken pillow. This wasn’t a  dream—it was a memory hiding in her heart. 

A memory she didn’t know and wouldn’t recall until more than a year later.

Excerpt from LORDS OF NIGHT / Text copyright © 2022 by J.C. Cervantes

Reproduced by permission from Rick Riordan Presents // Disney. 

All rights reserved.



Content Ratings: highlight between ( ) for details

Romance: --
Language:G  ( Hell, name-calling such as loser. )
Violence: G  ( Some battle scenes that might be scary )
Other:  G ( Talk about cyber bullying and online name-calling )
C O V E R   D E S I G N:

The Rick Riordan Presents covers are always so good. I love how they always take a scene from the book and bring it to life. And this scene i so good! It looks so intense and captivates you before knowing anything about hte book. Who are those shadowy figures? What is that magic the girl is wielding? Where are they? Tell us more!

I also love the colors -- al those blues and purples and silvers (always and forever my favorite three colors), plus that pop of fire!

I also really love the title treatment. The way the serif letters point. The treatment of the O and D in LORDS and OF. So stunning!!!

O F F I C I A    I N F O:

Author: J.C. Cervantes
Release Date: Oct. 4, 2022
Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents // Disney Books
FIND IT:  GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, Audible, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD, Bookshop.org

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents J. C. Cervantes's exciting new spin-off from the best-selling STORM RUNNER trilogy.

"This duology opener is accessible to readers who are new to this world. An engrossing, god-filled delight."--Kirkus Reviews

Fourteen-year-old Renata Santiago is the most powerful godborn of them all, a bruja with a unique combination of DNA. The Mexica blood from her dad's side gives her the ability to manipulate shadows. Her mom Pacific, a Maya goddess, gifted her a magical rope that controls time, and Ren recently used it to save a few gods from getting stuck forever in 1987. She brought them back to the present, but her BFF Ah Puch, the once fearsome god of death, darkness, and destruction, is now a teenager with no divine powers.

Ren is also a girl with ordinary hopes and dreams. She wishes, for example, that her blog about alien sightings would garner more respect. She's always been absolutely convinced that there's a connection between aliens and the Maya civilization. Plenty of online haters feel differently, and they call her a fake, a liar, and a loser.

When Ren receives an email about an alien sighting in Kansas, she thinks it may support her theory. She also suspects that the cinco--five renegade godborns--are up to no good. Soon she finds herself embroiled in a quest to prevent the troublemakers from awakening the nine Aztec Lords of Night. Problem is, none of Ren's friends are available to help her hunt down the cinco and the dangerous gods they are resurrecting. Ren has no choice but to team up with two strangers recruited by Ah Puch: Edison, a teen hybrid demon, and Montero, an eleven-year-old Aztec hunter. Succeeding in this quest will prove that Ren is no fake, liar, or loser. But it isn't just another challenge. It could well be an impossible one that leaves Ren questioning her very existence.

Anyone who enjoys fast-paced myth-based adventures will be swept up in this one featuring Maya and Mexica gods and their magical offspring.



J.C. is a New York Times best-selling author of books for children and young adults. Her books have appeared on national lists, including the American Booksellers Association New Voices, Barnes and Noble’s Best Young Reader Books, as well as Amazon’s Best Books of the Month. She has earned multiple awards and recognitions, including the New Mexico Book Award, the Zia Book Award, and most recently the 2021 New Mexico Land of Enchantment Readers’ Choice Award.

She currently resides in the Land of Enchantment with her family, three spoiled dogs, and a lifetime collection of books. But she keeps part of her heart in Southern California, where she was born and raised. When she isn’t writing she is haunting bookstores and searching for magic in all corners of the world.

Her work is represented by Holly Root at Root Literary.


You could win...

-   1 winner will receive a finished copy of LORDS OF NIGHT.

Ends November 5th, midnight EST.

(US Only)

You must be at least 13 years old to enter or have a parent's permission!

Enter now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Tour Schedule:

Week One:


A Dream Within A Dream

Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:



Excerpt/IG Post


Ya Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post



TikTok Review/IG Post


YA Book Nerd

Review/IG Post


Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post

Week Three:



IG Review


The Bookwyrm's Den



Nonbinary Knight Reads

Review/IG Post



IG Review


A Backwards Story 

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review

Week Four:



IG Review


The Moon Phoenix

Review/IG Post


Blog Write. Read. Live 

Excerpt/IG Post


The Chatty Bookworm

TikTok Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post


Lifestyle of Me



Kait Plus Books

Excerpt/IG Post

Week Five:



IG Spotlight



Review/IG Post


Enthralled Bookworm Blog 

Review/IG Post


Two Points of Interest

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post


PopTheButterfly Reads

Review/IG Post


Books with Brandie Shanae 

YouTube Review/IG Post

Week Six:



IG Spotlight


The Erudite Labyrinth 


