{Review} MISTY COPELAND: POWER AND GRACE by Misty Copeland with Photography by Richard Corman

O P E N I N G   H O O K:

(pages 8-9, US Paperback Edition)

"I am proof that it's possible and we can be part of this culture and I am pushing constantly to promote diversity in classical ballet."

~Misty Copeland , POWER AND GRACE

Misty Copeland is amazing. Earlier this year, she was the first female African-American to become a principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre in its 75 year history. She spent two weeks on Broadway in On The Town. And now, there is a book full of gorgeous dance photography featuring her own voice. Misty Copeland is a true inspiration and we've only begun to see great things from her.

MISTY COPELAND: POWER AND GRACE pairs together the dancer's words and thoughts with images of her dancing, sometimes in highly unusual environments. The history: "When a baby grand piano mysteriously washed ashore under the Brooklyn Bridge, photographer Richard Corman was instantly moved to photograph influential ballerina Misty Copeland in the setting" (From the press release). Corman went on to take several more photographs of Misty Copeland, and they were woven together into POWER AND GRACE. The photos in the book are a mix of ones from that first shoot and more traditional photographs. The images are in black and white, and the book was designed with pops of neon color to make them stand out.

Here's an example of what I mean:

Here's a video where I show off the imagery in greater detail:

POWER AND GRACE is perfect for all ages. While it's shelved in Adult Non-Fiction: Dance at my local Barnes and Noble, it could just as easily be shelved in the Children's Department. POWER AND DANCE transcends age. Adult fans will love looking at the stunning imagery. Kids will be inspired by the powerful messages in Misty Copeland's own words. I would give this to kids doing a biography book report in school in a heartbeat. 

For those who'd like to see Misty Copeland's dancing in action, which no book can replicate, here are clips from Vail Dance 2015 with her performing Romeo and Juliet, Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux, and White Swan:

 Here's a gorgeous video of her recent Broadway On the Town stint in 'The Miss Turnstiles Ballet':

And here's the first in a two-video series about her Broadway debut. Misty Copeland is so personable and easy to like. As a Broadway fan, I loved the backstage look at what goes into a show!


Content Ratings: highlight between ( ) for details

Romance: --
Language:  --
Violence: --
Other: --
C O V E R   D E S I G N: 

Like the pages lying within, the cover is a pot of black and white with hints of neon. It shows Misty Copeland moving, fluid lines and billowing skirt. It's beautiful, and the chosen perfect is perfect!

If you're a fan of ballet, you'll immediately want this! And, BONUS! If you're a kid, the bright colors will immediately appeal to you!
O F F I C I A   I N F O:

Author: Misty Copeland
with Photography by Richard Corman
Release Date: July 17, 2015
Publisher: Graphic Arts Book
Received: For Review

Power and grace define Misty Copeland―an influential ballet dancer who has broken through difficult barriers to become the first female African-American to be promoted to principal dancer at the American Ballet Theatre. Misty has proven adversity can be conquered by reaching higher and working harder to define what is humanly possible, regardless of the path one chooses to follow their dreams. 

In Misty’s own words, “Finding your power doesn’t have to be scary. Instead, it makes you feel in control, strong, and proud.” 

Through the stunning black-and-white photography of Richard Corman and Misty’s own words, her inspiring message of hope, strength, and focus speaks to young girls and women. 

In the introduction, Cindy Bradley, Misty’s ballet teacher who discovered and encouraged Misty to develop her talent and follow her heart, gives context to the obstacles and challenges that helped Misty find her power and achieve success.

“Misty Copeland is the embodiment of the American dream.” – Bill Whitaker, 60 MINUTES
