I'm alive...are we still okay?

Sorry for the long, long delay, bookworms!

And right at the end of an event, too! At this point, I'm just going to skip that last day of posts, unless you guys REALLY want it. (It was just going to be a chat about all the Snow White-themed books I didn't have a chance to read or review or post about and a chat about my thoughts on The Lunar Chronicles as a whole...and I can do that one anytime, once more of you have finished reading!)

I had been sick during the event and barely keeping up. Honestly, I kept afloat during the event because I had previously read and reviewed SO MANY of the Snow White books I wanted to talk about, so I could re-post my reviews and then have the second post be new. I felt bad for doing that and felt lazy, but it's also what I had time for, and I know a lot of you hadn't seen those reviews previously, so.... #ItIsWhatItIS

Once I felt human again, well, I just didn't have enough time/energy for that last day. When I DID, it was crazy busy at work with longer hours that take up more of the day. Right now, I'm ALWAYS tired and out of energy thanks to the shift.

And THEN my sister needed to borrow my laptop for a few days because her online classes were using a program that didn't work on her computer (And let me tell you, I'll still cleaning up the crap that got installed, lol!)

So....I'm sorry. Honestly, truly sorry. I've never gone two weeks without posting before, and you likely wondered what was going on if you saw the Schedule of Events, where I mentioned I was sick and taking a day or two from blogging.

I'll be back to a normal schedule this week, but I normally like to have 4-5 posts a week, and that number might be slightly lower until January because this time of year is always really busy for me. If my work schedule continues on its current cycle, that's going to add stress and give me less free time, so I apologize in advance.


You have until TOMORROW to enter to win my two awesome event giveaways!

You can win an AUTOGRAPHED copy of WINTER by Marissa Meyer!

You can ALSO win a book of YOUR CHOICE that was featured during A Week of Snow White!

Go ahead and enter while you still have time. Good luck!
