Special Pre-Order Campaign for SOUNDLESS by Richelle Mead gets YOU an autographed copy, EXCLUSIVE dust jacket, & special sampler of just-announced THE GLITTERING COURT!!!

 Are you ready for an AMAZING
Pre-Order Campaign???

SOUNDLESS by Richelle Mead is one of the MOST buzzed-about books of the fall. It was super hyped at BEA and everyone wanted a copy! Now, the release is almost upon us, and Penguin Teen is giving us EVEN MORE reasons to buy this beauty on release day!

If you pre-order from one of these AMAZING indie bookstores, you can get...

*A gorgeous EXCLUSIVE dust jacket
*A sampler with the first ELEVEN chapters of Richelle Mead's JUST ANNOUNCED upcoming new book THE GLITTERING COURT

You want this Exclusive Deluxe Edition, yes you do!!!!

I know *I* do, anyway!

I've been really excited to read SOUNDLESS!
(Okay, I haven't gotten to my BEA ARC yet, but it's in my "up next" pile...
....mmm but I'm gonna just wait until my beautiful new pre-order arrives to read it!!!)

Chinese folklore? Awesome new fantasy?
I love how the new wrap jacket compliments the land in which the novel is set, and it makes me want this version more than anything!!!

I've never read Richelle Mead or any of her Vampire Academy/Bloodlines novels before. Vampires just aren't really my think. But give me a good Asian-inspired fantasy and I'M ALL IN.

Check out this post for a list of all the great storestaking part in the SOUNDLESS pre-orderand reserve your copy today!!!

O F F I C I A L   I N F O:

Author: Richelle Mead
Release Date: Nov. 10, 2015
Publisher: Razorbill / Penguin Teen

From Richelle Mead, the #1 internationally bestselling author of Vampire Academy and Bloodlines, comes a breathtaking new fantasy steeped in Chinese folklore. 

For as long as Fei can remember, there has been no sound in her village, where rocky terrain and frequent avalanches prevent residents from self-sustaining. Fei and her people are at the mercy of a zipline that carries food up the treacherous cliffs from Beiguo, a mysterious faraway kingdom. 

When villagers begin to lose their sight, deliveries from the zipline shrink and many go hungry. Fei’s home, the people she loves, and her entire existence is plunged into crisis, under threat of darkness and starvation. 

But soon Fei is awoken in the night by a searing noise, and sound becomes her weapon. 

Richelle Mead takes readers on a triumphant journey from the peak of Fei’s jagged mountain village to the valley of Beiugo, where a startling truth and an unlikely romance will change her life forever..
