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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every once in a while I participate in this one when I either 1) Like the theme, and/or 2) Have the time! |
This week's topic:
My Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics We've Ever Done In The Past 5 Years!
Happy Fifth Anniversary to
The Broke and the Bookish meme
"Top Ten Tuesdays!"
TTT began on June 21, 2010. I began taking part on March 29, 2011.
I'm honored to have been a part of the meme for so long!
Granted, I don't participate every week.
(It can be HARD to get to ten, or I forget, or I fall asleep, or I have a tour stop...)
Today's topic is to pick the top ten topics that TTT has ever done. Luckily, they have a handy list of topics here! I combed through them, as well as went through my own tags of TTT posts I've done in the past to put together the following list.
Happy Anniversary, TTT!!!
In No Particular Order...
I adore seeing everyone's favorite books of the year! (Or even the mid-year. I'm so excited for next week's TBR!) Did you know that one of my favorite fairy tale retellings,KILL ME SOFTLY by Sarah Cross, was found via another blogger's TTT halfway through the year? I NEVER would have picked it up and read it if they hadn't talked about it and said what an amazing fairy tale it was. That COVER and that TITLE and WHO KNEW that it was a fairy tale!? So I have a soft spot for this topic!
2) Top 10 Books on my [Insert Season/Year] TBR!
I was really upset to miss this TTT last week because I look forward to this topic every quarter. I like t to see what everyone is reading and add new titles to my TBR! I spent too much too sleeping and too little time blogging last week. ^^;;;
3) Top 10 Books From My Childhood
4) Top 10 Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet
Like the bi-annual wrap-ups, I love seeing everyone's answers to this topic because it introduces me to brand-new-authors that I should be reading!
6) Top 10 Covers We Wish We Could Re-Design
This topic sounds like FUN!!! I hope TTT does it again so I can take part! You know how I like to talk about my covers!!!
7) Top 10 Favorite Covers
8) Top 10 Books I Just HAD to Buy but Still Haven't Read
Are we noticing a trend in the topics I like? I LOVE seeing what books everyone is excited about. I want to hear about ALL THE BOOKS. Like an Aerosmith song, I don't wanna miss a thing!! I need to read all of the awesome books...errrrr...and that is why those TBRs we were just talking about get so big and go unread for so long... ^^;;;
10) Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In OR Top Ten Characters I'd NEVER Want To Trade Places With
I like when the topics are FUN, especially when they fit the topic of an ongoing event! This came up last year during Fairy Tale Fortnight, so I had a lot of fun picking characters whose lives I WOULDN'T want. Such bad things happen in fairy tales, so they're such a great choice!!
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