Cover Crazy is hosted by The Book Worms. Each week, bloggers "admire the art and beauty of a book’s design, so I’m going to post minimal words. It is up to you to write how you feel and what you like about it the way you’d like to."

To celebrate a week of Cinderella, here are some fun Cinderella-themed covers!

GREEN HEART by Alice Hoffman:

This is a bind-up of GREEN ANGEL and GREEN WITCH that I've been seeing around as a Goodreads ad recently.

I really like the new design!  To me, it's much more eye-catching than the original design (I have GREEN ANGEL around here somewhere...) I love the way all the flowers are springing to life in such a pretty variety of colors.  I also like the perfectly centered heart with flowers springing from it out of the girl's hand, letting you know that she's at the epicenter of all this beauty.

The lighting is well done, with the brightest components in the middle of the cover and fading out until you have black edges. 

NEVERMORE by James Patterson:

This is my favorite of all the MAXIMUM RIDE covers.  Some of them are...not my favorite covers in the world.  I really like how slick this one looks.

The colors are perfect; I love that slate gray-blue color.  Max reminds me of a stone angel springing to life! (Even her hair!)

I also like the way the title is partially-transparent, making it more eye-catching.

I'm still really annoyed that NEVERMORE has been postponed until August since I've been looking forward to finally finishing the MAXIMUM RIDE series this month once and for all, but what can you do...?

What do you think? What cover are you crazy about this week?


  1. The Nevermore cover is awesome! I'm not exactly in love with other covers in Maximum Ride series either, but this cover is beautiful! <3

    1. Isn't it? I can't stop looking at it! I wish they'd re-design the series, though I wouldn't buy it a second time since I have all seven in hardback, but.... so much nicer!!

  2. I like the first one the best. The second one is pretty cool, but I aways hate it when they place the title over the picture. It just seems a bit too obtrusive to me.

    1. I do, too! Such a gorgeous cover!

      And as far as Maximum Ride goes, this is definitely my favorite of all the covers...I'd love to see a re-design!

  3. I love the Green Heart cover - though I may be biased because I love green! xD

    Come visit my Cover Crazy?


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