COVER CRAZY: STARCROSSED by Josephine Angelini

Cover Crazy is hosted by The Book Worms. Each week, bloggers "admire the art and beauty of a book’s design, so I’m going to post minimal words. It is up to you to write how you feel and what you like about it the way you’d like to."

Why I Love This Cover:

We've all been seeing the cover to STARCROSSED by Josephine Angelini online for months now. I know, I know. But have you seen it in PERSON? Because, um, it's *really* pretty. And shiny. I feel like a bird...or maybe a dragon. Ooh, shiny.... But it's true! If you watch the above video, I moved the book back and forth so you could see the way the sun caught the cover and made a rainbow of covers. Pretty!

Just, you know, ignore the mangled cover. It came that way in the mail. I'll be exchanging this copy for a more perfect-looking one tonight because I'm anal like that.

I've seen a lot of debate over the cropping. Personally, I like it. The crop doesn't really seem awkward to me. I can see why it would to some people, because it's not a style we're used to. i think the designer tried something new. The trend of not showing whole faces is still very "in," but a lot of people gripe about it. So designers Hilary Zaryvky and Erin Fitzsimmons probably thought this was a good compromise. You get most of her face, though not all of it. It works for me.

And even though the image doesn't really fit in with any one scene, I love the atmosphere of the sky and water, especially now that the colors change!

What do you think? What cover are you crazy about this week?

[STARCROSSED is available now wherever books are sold!]


  1. Wow! I haven't seen it in person so I had no idea the cover was holographic. So pretty!

  2. So beautiful!! If I saw it in a bookstore, I'd probably buy it on looks alone. But I've heard the story is good to :).

  3. oh gosh! that is just so beautiful! i haven't gotten the chance to see the actual book yet, but just by looking at it now made me want to get to the nearest bookstore to buy it!

    here's mine:

  4. @Aisle B: Isn't it pretty? So pretty in person!

    @Laura: I know, right? I had NO CLUE the cover was going to look that. So gorgeous!!

    @Alisa: Right? This book is so beautiful, you want to own it no matter what it's about!

    @Yas: It is so, so, *so* pretty in person! I couldn't believe it when I saw it! I was all, "Is that the same book?"

  5. Ooooh shiny!! I feel like a bird or a dragon, too :P The cover effect here reminds me of Unearthly. I'm not sure I'm a fan overall, but I could see myself spending a lot of time playing with that cover.


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