Check out my review!
Carolyn Turgeon was lovely enough to do a fun interview during Fairy Tale Fortnight, too. Check it out!
Carolyn gave me a ton of links to share with all my fellow mermaid-lovers linking to a lot of mermaidy guest posts she's done recently, such as...
Her blog I Am A Mermaid
Sirens of the Deep Mermaid Camp at Weeki Wachi Springs (Which The Flashlight Reader also blogged about for Splash here)
Five Ways to Become a Mermaid
An upcoming MOVIE ADAPTATION of MERMAID, currently being written and directed by Shana Feste [COUNTRY STRONG] from Sony Pictures
Mermaids: The Next Big Thing (Featuring CarolynTurgeon, Sarah Porter, Tera Lynn Childs, and Tara Altebrando)
And last, but not least, Carolyn shared this interesting tidbit: There's going to be a mermaid MAGAZINE in August. It will be a special issue put together by the makers of FAERIE magazine and PIRATES magazine. I'm so hoping a store near me will sell this!!! Check out the details here!
I freaking LOVE this cover!