In February, I was lucky enough to read an ARC of LOST VOICES by Sarah Porter. I loved it so much, I created You're Gonna Love Me so I could squeal about the book with you despite the fact that it didn't come out for MONTHS. And boy is *forever* sneaking up on us. July 4th is not that far away! While LOST VOICES isn't a direct fairy tale, it incorporates mythical beings such as MERMAIDS and reads like one. I really enjoyed this book and can't WAIT for the sequel, WAKING STORMS. I wanted to spotlight Sarah and get you all excited for her debut, and she was just as excited to participate in Fairy Tale Fortnight!
Here's' a sneak peek at the interview:
4) Can you tell us more about your overall goals for the trilogy?
That’s hard to do without giving too much away! But Luce has a long way to go, and things will get much worse for her before they can start to get better. The trilogy is really about a choice we all face: we can stay stuck in our pain and keep repeating the same reactions to that pain, the way the mermaids keep sinking ships. Or we can look for creative ways to break the cycle and move on. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to do, but ultimately that’s what Luce has to accomplish.
The Book Rat and Books From Bleh to Basically Amazing are both hosting the interview in its entirety on their respective blogs (click their names for access!). I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, especially the way she put together her mermaid lore!
Sarah, thank you again for a great interview. I can't wait for the next two books in the trilogy. I've wanted to read LOST VOiCES since the moment I saw the gorgeous MERMAID on the cover!

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