So, um, this post contains my acquistions for January AND February because my camera battery died and I couldn't find the charger until recently. (It fell behind the dresser... Who would look there?)
F e b r u a r y B o o k s ( P u r c h a s e d ) :
Hopefully I didn't forget any other purchases this month. I had to add on two books that were hiding in the stack of "to read" near my bed... I know I have a couple of books that shipped out today with my Tortall preorder, but I'll post those in March. :)
*Delirium by Lauren Oliver: AMAZING book. Run, don't walk to your nearest bookstore (or digital store or library) and snap this up right now! I reviewed it here.
*Angel by James Patterson: Also reviewed already. Well, sort of. It's hard to talk about this one without spoiling a lot of stuff. If you haven't checked out the Maximum Ride series yet, it's really fun!
*The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal: Another book I've long since reviewed. I guess there aren't a ton of surprises for you right now! Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait to read another book by the author.
*Daughters of the Sea: Hannah by Kathryn Lasky: I read this last year when it was out in hardcover, but finally picked up a copy now that it's in paperback. If you like mermaids, this is a book for you! I can't wait to read the second book, May, which comes out next week! (The same day as Demonglass! Decisions...)
*Gawain and Lady Green by Anne Crompton: Blind buy. I know nothing about this book, but I'm a sucker for King Arthur/Avalon books. I found out that it's a companion to Merlin's Harp, which I meant to read, but never did, so I'll have to pick that up sometime...
*Ransom My Heart by Princess of Genovia Mia Thermopolis (with help from Meg Cabot): Everyone's favorite princess has penned her first novel, a historical romance. I love Meg Cabot and The Princess Diaries. When I saw this book sitting on a B&N bargain table for only $4.98 yesterday, I couldn't resist. Ka-ching!
*Warrior by Bryan Davis: Sequel to Starlighter, which I read last year but didn't review b/c I knew this was coming out soon. I really enjoyed the first book, which is sort of kind of Dystopian, but mostly fantasy...with DRAGONS. Super awesome book, and I can't wait to read the sequel!
*Subject Seven by James A. Moore: I'm not sure whether or not this is a Dystopian novel, but it seems to have a touch of Maximum Ride and X-Men thrown in. I'm intrigued and can't wait to read it!
F e b r u a r y B o o k s ( A R C S ) :
Most of my ARCs are from NetGalley atm. I'm looking forward to reading those on the plane! But these are the bound copies I have for review right now:
*True (...sort of) by Katherine Hannigan: Her first novel, Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World won a bunch of awards and was a bestseller. I haven't read it yet, but I'm eager to check out her sophomore debut! Middle-grade.
*A Race to Splendor by Ciji Ware: That gorgeous dress hooked me in. BEAUTIFUL! Adult historical fiction novel about the 1906 earthquake that tore apart San Francisco. On top of that, the novel explores the path cut by the first American female architect, who finds herself in a race to rebuild a hotel with the novel's heroine, who is destined to become the second female architect. Women's right, the use of Chinese labor, and other turn of the century issues will be explored. Sounds pretty awesome to me!
*Love You More by Lisa Gardner: Another adult novel. This was my first time winning a contest on GoodReads, so I'm excited! I think the official synopsis sums up this book better than I can: "One question, a split-second decision, and Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D. D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?" I've never read anything by Gardner before, but when it comes to adult fiction, I'm into the hard-hitting, gritty, realistic truth. Can't wait to read this!
J a n u a r y B o o k s ( P u r c h a s e d ) :
This list was so long, I split it in two--one for hardbacks, and one for paperbacks:
*Warped by Maurissa Guibord: Great fantasy novel. I reviewed it here. Definitely one of my favorite 2011 debuts so far!
*Sapphique by Catherine Fisher: Sequel to Incarceron. I haven't read this yet (shame!), but hope to do so sometime in March. It's sitting by my bed TAUNTING me, y'all! Plus, I need more Dystopian literature in my life, yes?
*The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher: This Dystopian novel reminds me a lot of the musical Urinetown. Plus, it's a debut author! I just haven't had a chance to read it yet...
*Trickster's Girl by Hilari Bell: Another Dystopian I haven't had a chance to read yet. >.< Luckily, I also happen to have an e-ARC of this one thanks to NetGalley, so maybe I'll get to read it while on vacation! *Across the Universe by Beth Revis: Yay, I'm not a total loser when it comes to books. I've read and reviewed this one. Actually, I read an ARC last year that I won through Library Thing, then went out and bought my own copy once it launched. If you're looking for teen sci-fi, this one is for you!
*Unearthly by Cynthia Hand: This is one of my favorite 2011 releases so far. I got an ARC of this at work last year and it took me forever to read it because...I just didn't want to. I don't know what I was waiting for--it was AMAZING!!! I need book two NOW! I reviewed this one, too!
*Over the Moon by Jodi Picoult, Jake van Leer, and Ellen Wilber: This is the book of a musical put together by this trio of talented people, complete with sheet music. The story mixes Shakespeare and fairytales together. Plus, it's by Jodi Picoult. What more could you want?
*Dr. Horrible by Zack Whedon, with artists Eric Canete, Joelle Jones , and Jim Rugg: Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? It's a MUSICAL with the amazing Neil Patrick Harris AND was conceived by Buffy creator Joss Whedon--during the Writers Strike, no less! This is amazing, and if you haven't watched it, you should. If you have, you need to read this graphic novel. It's a collection of stories that enlighten fans about the early adventures of Dr. Horrible, Captain Hammer, and Co.
*Hatter M.: The Nature of Wonder by Frank Beddor with Sami Makkonen and Liz Cavalier: Another graphic novel? Rare, I know. This is the third volume in the Hatter M. trilogy, which is a prequel to the teen book series The Looking Glass Wars. If you like Alice in Wonderland, you'll like this series. Hatter M. takes place before the first TLGW book after Hatter and Alice leave Wonderland and are separated.
*XVI by Julia Karr: Not only is this a debut novel, it's also another Dystopian that I previously reviewed. The subject matter isn't for everyone, but it was an interesting book and I look forward to the sequel.
*Candor by Pam Bachorz: Again, we have a Dystopian novel on our hands. Are you seeing a theme? I am. I haven't read this one yet, but it takes place "today," which is refreshing--I won't have to learn a lot of futuristic lingo this time around!
*The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler: Yay, a fairytale novel instead of all this dreary Dystopian stuff, right? This one revolves around The Twelve Dancing Princesses, one of my all-time favorite tales!
*The Stepsister Scheme, The Mermaid's Madness, and Red Hood's Revenge, all by Jim C. Hines: Another fairytale series! This one is adult fiction and follows Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Hines weaves together old versions of the tales you may not be familar yet. For example, the first novel revolves around a plot where one of Cinderella's stepsister's is trying to assassinate her. I never knew such a tale existed before this book!
L i b r a r y F i n d s :
*Sondheim by Martin Gottfried: Only 50 cents! How can you beat that? Not only is a biography revolving around my all-time favorite Broadway composer, Stephen Sondheim, but the cover features one of my favorite thespians, Bernadette Peters. I saw this on the Sale Cart and HAD to have it!!! The only thing that made me sad about the purchase was that it had entered the library on behalf of the Robert L. Brunhouse Estate and will no longer be available to the masses. Robert L. Brunhouse, I shall remember you and cherish this book!
And now, this long post has come to an end. If you're still reading, thank you for sticking with me! Next time won't be nearly so packed!
F e b r u a r y B o o k s ( P u r c h a s e d ) :
Hopefully I didn't forget any other purchases this month. I had to add on two books that were hiding in the stack of "to read" near my bed... I know I have a couple of books that shipped out today with my Tortall preorder, but I'll post those in March. :)
*Delirium by Lauren Oliver: AMAZING book. Run, don't walk to your nearest bookstore (or digital store or library) and snap this up right now! I reviewed it here.
*Angel by James Patterson: Also reviewed already. Well, sort of. It's hard to talk about this one without spoiling a lot of stuff. If you haven't checked out the Maximum Ride series yet, it's really fun!
*The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal: Another book I've long since reviewed. I guess there aren't a ton of surprises for you right now! Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait to read another book by the author.
*Daughters of the Sea: Hannah by Kathryn Lasky: I read this last year when it was out in hardcover, but finally picked up a copy now that it's in paperback. If you like mermaids, this is a book for you! I can't wait to read the second book, May, which comes out next week! (The same day as Demonglass! Decisions...)
*Gawain and Lady Green by Anne Crompton: Blind buy. I know nothing about this book, but I'm a sucker for King Arthur/Avalon books. I found out that it's a companion to Merlin's Harp, which I meant to read, but never did, so I'll have to pick that up sometime...
*Ransom My Heart by Princess of Genovia Mia Thermopolis (with help from Meg Cabot): Everyone's favorite princess has penned her first novel, a historical romance. I love Meg Cabot and The Princess Diaries. When I saw this book sitting on a B&N bargain table for only $4.98 yesterday, I couldn't resist. Ka-ching!
*Warrior by Bryan Davis: Sequel to Starlighter, which I read last year but didn't review b/c I knew this was coming out soon. I really enjoyed the first book, which is sort of kind of Dystopian, but mostly fantasy...with DRAGONS. Super awesome book, and I can't wait to read the sequel!
*Subject Seven by James A. Moore: I'm not sure whether or not this is a Dystopian novel, but it seems to have a touch of Maximum Ride and X-Men thrown in. I'm intrigued and can't wait to read it!
F e b r u a r y B o o k s ( A R C S ) :
Most of my ARCs are from NetGalley atm. I'm looking forward to reading those on the plane! But these are the bound copies I have for review right now:
*True (...sort of) by Katherine Hannigan: Her first novel, Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World won a bunch of awards and was a bestseller. I haven't read it yet, but I'm eager to check out her sophomore debut! Middle-grade.
*A Race to Splendor by Ciji Ware: That gorgeous dress hooked me in. BEAUTIFUL! Adult historical fiction novel about the 1906 earthquake that tore apart San Francisco. On top of that, the novel explores the path cut by the first American female architect, who finds herself in a race to rebuild a hotel with the novel's heroine, who is destined to become the second female architect. Women's right, the use of Chinese labor, and other turn of the century issues will be explored. Sounds pretty awesome to me!
*Love You More by Lisa Gardner: Another adult novel. This was my first time winning a contest on GoodReads, so I'm excited! I think the official synopsis sums up this book better than I can: "One question, a split-second decision, and Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D. D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?" I've never read anything by Gardner before, but when it comes to adult fiction, I'm into the hard-hitting, gritty, realistic truth. Can't wait to read this!
J a n u a r y B o o k s ( P u r c h a s e d ) :
This list was so long, I split it in two--one for hardbacks, and one for paperbacks:
*Warped by Maurissa Guibord: Great fantasy novel. I reviewed it here. Definitely one of my favorite 2011 debuts so far!
*Sapphique by Catherine Fisher: Sequel to Incarceron. I haven't read this yet (shame!), but hope to do so sometime in March. It's sitting by my bed TAUNTING me, y'all! Plus, I need more Dystopian literature in my life, yes?
*The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher: This Dystopian novel reminds me a lot of the musical Urinetown. Plus, it's a debut author! I just haven't had a chance to read it yet...
*Trickster's Girl by Hilari Bell: Another Dystopian I haven't had a chance to read yet. >.< Luckily, I also happen to have an e-ARC of this one thanks to NetGalley, so maybe I'll get to read it while on vacation! *Across the Universe by Beth Revis: Yay, I'm not a total loser when it comes to books. I've read and reviewed this one. Actually, I read an ARC last year that I won through Library Thing, then went out and bought my own copy once it launched. If you're looking for teen sci-fi, this one is for you!
*Unearthly by Cynthia Hand: This is one of my favorite 2011 releases so far. I got an ARC of this at work last year and it took me forever to read it because...I just didn't want to. I don't know what I was waiting for--it was AMAZING!!! I need book two NOW! I reviewed this one, too!
*Over the Moon by Jodi Picoult, Jake van Leer, and Ellen Wilber: This is the book of a musical put together by this trio of talented people, complete with sheet music. The story mixes Shakespeare and fairytales together. Plus, it's by Jodi Picoult. What more could you want?
*Dr. Horrible by Zack Whedon, with artists Eric Canete, Joelle Jones , and Jim Rugg: Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? It's a MUSICAL with the amazing Neil Patrick Harris AND was conceived by Buffy creator Joss Whedon--during the Writers Strike, no less! This is amazing, and if you haven't watched it, you should. If you have, you need to read this graphic novel. It's a collection of stories that enlighten fans about the early adventures of Dr. Horrible, Captain Hammer, and Co.
*Hatter M.: The Nature of Wonder by Frank Beddor with Sami Makkonen and Liz Cavalier: Another graphic novel? Rare, I know. This is the third volume in the Hatter M. trilogy, which is a prequel to the teen book series The Looking Glass Wars. If you like Alice in Wonderland, you'll like this series. Hatter M. takes place before the first TLGW book after Hatter and Alice leave Wonderland and are separated.
*XVI by Julia Karr: Not only is this a debut novel, it's also another Dystopian that I previously reviewed. The subject matter isn't for everyone, but it was an interesting book and I look forward to the sequel.
*Candor by Pam Bachorz: Again, we have a Dystopian novel on our hands. Are you seeing a theme? I am. I haven't read this one yet, but it takes place "today," which is refreshing--I won't have to learn a lot of futuristic lingo this time around!
*The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler: Yay, a fairytale novel instead of all this dreary Dystopian stuff, right? This one revolves around The Twelve Dancing Princesses, one of my all-time favorite tales!
*The Stepsister Scheme, The Mermaid's Madness, and Red Hood's Revenge, all by Jim C. Hines: Another fairytale series! This one is adult fiction and follows Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Hines weaves together old versions of the tales you may not be familar yet. For example, the first novel revolves around a plot where one of Cinderella's stepsister's is trying to assassinate her. I never knew such a tale existed before this book!
L i b r a r y F i n d s :
*Sondheim by Martin Gottfried: Only 50 cents! How can you beat that? Not only is a biography revolving around my all-time favorite Broadway composer, Stephen Sondheim, but the cover features one of my favorite thespians, Bernadette Peters. I saw this on the Sale Cart and HAD to have it!!! The only thing that made me sad about the purchase was that it had entered the library on behalf of the Robert L. Brunhouse Estate and will no longer be available to the masses. Robert L. Brunhouse, I shall remember you and cherish this book!
And now, this long post has come to an end. If you're still reading, thank you for sticking with me! Next time won't be nearly so packed!