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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Every once in a while I participate in this one when I either 1) Like the theme, and/or 2) Have the time! |
This week's topic:
Top TWENTY-FOUR Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year!!!
I fell asleep early last night, or I would have have my TTT up with everyone else at midnight! Let me tell you...I just woke up and I'm so sore from how twisted up I got sleeping so oddly and unexpectedly!!!
Today, I decided that I couldn't narrow it down to 10 books. I didn't even try. There are just too many amazing books on the way!!! It turned into a list of 24, but that's a nice round number, sooooo!!!
I'll also give you a sneak peek on a couple of highly-anticipated January 2017 titles because they're still technically part of the 2016 winter season, and if I snag an ARC, they may be 2016 reads for me!!! (Some already will be!!!)
In Order of Publication...
1) A WORLD WITHOUT YOU by Beth Revis
-Out July 19, 2016
OMG, Beth Revis has a new book coming out!!! Beth is super fun to talk to on Twitter, and I've been a fan of her books ever since I won an ARC of her debut (Possibly my first-ever Goodreads win!) Her new book isn't sci-fi or like her other books, AND THAT'S OKAY. I want so badly for this to be more like CHALLENGER DEEP by Neal Shusterman than THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER by Michelle Hodkin. I WANT this to be a book about mental illness. I can't wait to see which direction it goes!!!

2) GEMINI by Sonya Mukherjee
-Out July 26, 2016
JUST SO YOU GUYS KNOW....This book comes out ON my birthday. Just, you know, if you want to send me an nook e-book gift or something! ^.~ JK, JK!!! Although it's awesome to have a release day birthday!!!
GEMINI sounds unlike anything I've read before. For one thing...it's about CONJOINED TWINS. (I know, right!?) I've wanted to read this one for a long time, and it's been getting some big buzz lately--and it sounded like it was a big title at BEA this year!!!

3) P.S. I LIKE YOU by Kasie West
-Out July 26, 2016
Another book out on my birthday, wink wink!
Contemporary has always been hit or miss with me because it's not my favorite genre, but I have loved almost every single book from Kasie West and have her on my YA contemporary autoread list! This one sounds really fun and cute!!!

4) THE BEAUTY OF DARKNESS by Mary E. Pearson
-Out August 2, 2016
My dad gives me this series for my birthday every year!!! I had to convince him I didn't mind waiting a week for my present because I didn't want it as a Christmas gift! I'm also lucky enough to have an ARC right now and SO EXCITED to read this!!! I love this series so much, and this is the big finale, ahhhh!!!!! If you saw my post on the 24 books I most like to recommend this past weekend that I got to feature at a local B&N I was on a panel for during BFest, you already know how much I love this series!!!

5) ALL WE HAVE LEFT by Wendy Mills
-Out August 9, 2016
This book sounds SO amazing and powerful and emotional. I MUST READ IT!!! It has two perspectives: One that takes place NOW and features Jesse, a girl living in the fallout of the fact that her brother died during the September 11th attacks, and one that takes place in the PAST and features a girl named Alia who just happens to be on her way to visit her dad who works in the Twin Towers on September 11th......
My heart is going to take a beating with this book1!!

-Out August 15, 2016
I've "known" A.G. Howard since before she was published: We used to comment on one another's blogs and she was one of my first followers!!! I'm so proud of everything she's accomplished and how popular her books are!!!!
This is the first book in a new series by her--a gothic suspense series!!!--and it's new adult. Ummmm, and I NEED IT!

7) FURTHERMORE by Tahereh Mafi
-Out August 30, 2016
Even though I have the SHATTER ME series on my nook, I still haven't read it *hides* BUT I WILL!!! Irregardless, I am so, so excited for her middle-grade debut FURTHERMORE. It is about magic and color and so much more! And this cover!!!! The book sounds like it has the potential to be one of those classics that will still be around in a couple of generations. If this book does everything it promises to, it may even be an award winner. It has elements that sound very timeless, and I can't wait to read it!!!

-Out August 30, 2016
A sequel to AN EMBER IN THE ASHES, and one I've really been looking forward to!!! Honestly, this book requires no further introduction, right???

9) EMPIRE OF STORMS by Sarah J. Maas
-Out September 6, 2016
Another book that needs no introduction!!!! This is the penultimate book in the Throne of Glass series, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, finally, PENULTIMATE!!!!! Is it September yet!?

-Out September 20, 2016
This has been on my list for a LONG time. It sounds like it could be epic. (And I think it may be one of those series to go through a cover change because it doesn't scream EPIC yet, so my books will never match, but oh well!!) This debut is about a girl with powers who, upon revealing them, is praised rather than executed, and invited to work with Her Majesty as a royal sorcerer. It's also said that she is the chosen one.....but, in fact, she's not. Oooh, don't you want it???

11) STEALING SNOW by Danielle Paige
-Out September 20, 2016
The Snow Queen is one of my all-time favorite fairy tales. When I heard that Dorothy Must Die author Danielle Paige was coming out with her own take, I HAD to read it!!!!!!!!

12) VASSA AT NIGHT by Sarah Porter
-Out September 20, 2016
I am such a huge fan of the Lost Voices trilogy by Sarah Porter (Which I also recommended at BFest!), and I heard about VASSA IN THE NIGHT before it had a publishing home. Now the book is almost real and it's coming out this fall, and I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

13) THE QUEEN OF BLOOD by Sarah Beth Durst
-Out September 20, 2016
I own every single book Sarah Beth Durst has ever written (Though I'm behind on reading a few, eep!). She was ALSO an author I featured this weekend at my local B&N. I am so happy that this book is getting a lot of attention from bloggers and that they'll finally discover her brilliance!!!!
Ummmmm, plus first in a new epic fantasy SERIES? MORE TO COME???? YES, PLEASE!!!!!!

14) SACRIFICE by Cindy Pon
-Out September 27, 2016
I wish more people knew about Cindy Pon, because she writes AMAZING fantasy. (Which is why i HAD to recommend her at BFest!) SACRIFICE is a sequel to SERPENTINE, and it's a duology I have wanted for so, so long. I will ALWAYS take new books from Cindy Pon...please check her out!!!!

15) STRANGE THE DREAMER by Laini Taylor
-Out September 27, 2016
I've read one book by Laini Taylor and I wasn't in the right reading mood for it. I'd like to re-read it someday, because everyone loves it so much!!! For now, I'll settle on her new book, which takes her in a new direction. There's not much known about this book because the summary is very mysterious, but I'm ready to hear more!

16) CROOKED KINGDOM by Leigh Bardugo
-Out September 27, 2016
This book needs no introduction!!! If you're a fan of Leigh Bardugo or if you've read SIX OF CROWS, you already know you want this book!!!!!!

17) BOUND BY BLOOD AND SAND by Becky Allen
-Out October 11, 2016
If you compare a book to Tamora Pierce, I WILL BUY IT. The end!!! This takes place in the DESERT, where water is scarce, and follows a slave girl who discovers a way to return water to her water...but doing so means saving the slavers who have bound her... (This is the other book that I think may have a cover change that upsets my shelves!)

18) NEMESIS by Anna Banks
-Out October 4, 2016
Have you seen the tagline???
The princess didn't expect to fall in love--with her nemesis.
Immediate hook, right!?
I've been following Anna Banks since her debut (because mermaids!!!) and am so excited to have a new world to read from her!!!

-Out October 11, 2016
I NEED THIS FINALE SO BADLY!!! I adore The Young Elites series SO much. It is dark and vicious. You never know if characters will ultimately be heroes or villains because there is so much gray and so little black and white. Marie Lu does brave, powerful things in this series and watching Adelina Amouteru evolve is stunning. MUST. HAVE!!!

20) TIMEKEEPER by Tara Sim
-Out November 1, 2016
This book sounds so different and innovative. If this tagline doesn't hook you, I don't know what will:
In an alternate Victorian world controlled by clock towers, a damaged clock can fracture time—and a destroyed one can stop it completely.

21) HEARTLESS by Marissa Meyer
-Out November 8, 2016
You guys know how much I love Marissa Meyer. HEARTLESS is a stand-alone from her, from a villain's perspective! It revolves around the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland. This is one book everyone will want to get their hands on this fall!!!
And book your calendars now! I'll once again be doing a week dedicated to Marissa's release, this time being A Week of Wonderland!

22) FATE OF FLAMES by Sarah Raughley
-Out November 22, 2016
This one is about four girls who can manipulate the elements, and you know I love elemental magic!!! And that's all I even need to know about this one!!

24) EVER THE HUNTED by Erin Summerill
-Out December 27, 2016
I've been intrigued by this one since the press release; it's a fantasy about a girl good with a bow and arrow who must discover her father's murderer before it's too late....but it's supposedly the guy who broke her heart.... Can she clear his name and find the real killer?

As promised, here are six 2017 January/February titles I'm super excited about!!!
I'll be reading at least a couple early, so I'm adding them to my 2016 list!!!
*WINDWITCH by Susan Dennard
-Out January 3, 2016
*ROSEBLOOD by A.G. Howard
-Out January 10, 2016
*CARAVAL by Stephanie Garber
-Out January 31, 2016
*WINTERSONG by S. Jae Joes
-Out February 7 2016
-Out February 21, 2016
*OF BLOOD AND PROMISES by Rebekah Faubion
-Out TBA 2016
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