Please Help TIDES by Alex Lidell Receive a Publishing Deal! Hitting NOMINATE takes just a minute & if she wins, you'll receive a FREE copy of the book!!!!

If you love Tamora Pierce (Especially her Song of the Lioness {aka "Alanna"} series or Protector of the Small {aka "Kel"} series, you need to have Lidell's previous novel THE CADET OF TILDOR on your bookshelf if you don't already, and here's why.
Lidell's new book TIDES is struggling to find a home, and if you love novels that take place on the treacherous ocean such as SIEGE AND STORM by Leigh Bardugo, you'll want to read TIDES as well!
Lidell is taking part in a special program called Kindle Scout. It enough people nominate her book, Amazon will officially publish TIDES on one of its imprints. Even cooler? Every single person who nominates a book that gets published receives a FREE copy.

Will you please help her out???
You can also check out the first chapter of the book on the nomination page!
Here's a short interview with the author that tells you a little more about TIDES....followed by a brief summary of the book!
{Even if TIDES doesn't sound like your kind of book, if you could pretty please take a minute to visit Kindle Scout and hit the nominate button, it would be a huge help and bring the book to life for people who will be interested in the title!!!}
What was the hardest part of writing this book?
Where did the idea for this book come from?
Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
Tamora Pierce meets the Age of Sail
Nile, Princess of Ashing, was groomed to command her kingdom’s fleet—until she lost the key to the enemy’s cipher. Expelled from the navy and facing forced marriage, Nile disguises herself as a lowly sailor and enlists to a ship patrolling a distant outpost.
With a cowardly captain, lazy crew, and a cruel, too-handsome, first officer, the ship falls gravely short of Nile's standards.
But when the outpost turns vital to Ashing’s survival, this ship and crew are all Nile has to save her kingdom.
Nile, Princess of Ashing, was groomed to command her kingdom’s fleet—until she lost the key to the enemy’s cipher. Expelled from the navy and facing forced marriage, Nile disguises herself as a lowly sailor and enlists to a ship patrolling a distant outpost.
With a cowardly captain, lazy crew, and a cruel, too-handsome, first officer, the ship falls gravely short of Nile's standards.
But when the outpost turns vital to Ashing’s survival, this ship and crew are all Nile has to save her kingdom.
About...Alex Lidell!

2 am is when the night turns to introspection, when dorm-room conversations flourish to life. The ones where you ask “what if” - realizing that if an answer seems obvious, then you don’t know the whole story. The ones where you sketch plans for your next project, your future business, your quest for peace in the middle east - or for teaching kids to read - and you know that you can succeed. If you just try hard enough.
Alex’s 2 am project, which she started after getting her Masters in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, was her book. THE CADET OF TILDOR - 2010 finalist in Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards (under the title SERVICE OF THE CROWN) - tells the story of sixteen-year-old Renee, who struggles to keep up with her male classmates at a grueling military academy while facing a friend’s forbidden magic and her mentor’s shadowy past.
Although English is Alex’s primary language, it wasn’t her first. Coming from Russia, Alex learned English in elementary school and fell in love with reading when the school librarian put Tamora Pierce’s ALANNA into her hands. Years later, in college, it was another book that re-united Alex with Russian, which she had shunned in adolescence, The Three Musketeers.* Alex thanks both books, and the writers who created them.
Alex Lidell is a YA fantasy author. She is also a photographer, a horseback rider, and a paramedic. The latter two go hand in hand more often than one would like.
* The Three Musketeers was originally written in french, however the high quality Russian translation has made the novel more popular in Russia than anywhere else. Having read the book in English, Russian and French, Alex agrees with the general consensus.
This is such an amazing community and I love that we all rally around one another to help out!
Please help Alex now. If you also have the inclination and would like to post or retweet about the contest on your own social media, Alex would really appreciate it!
She's currently #20 on the Hot 20 over at Kindle Scout, but she's not there quite yet!
Thank you for everything you do, guys!!!
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Thanks for taking the time to stop and comment! I appreciate it more than I can say. I try to respond to each one!