{Guest Post + $15 Amazon GC} The A - Z of Peter Pan from THE NEVERLAND WARS Author Audrey Greathouse

Happy Release Day
Audrey Greathouse!

Experience Peter Pan like never before in this brand-new series!

About the AuthorAudrey Greathouse is a Seattle-based author of science-fiction and fantasy. Raised in the suburbs, she became a writer after being introduced to NaNoWriMo during her sophmore year of high school. Since then, she has drafted more than a dozen books, 100 sonnets, and 800 other poems, and a handful of short stories and one-act plays.

After dropping out of her university and beginning training as a circus performer on the aerial silks, she returned to school to study at Southern New Hampshire University College of Online and Continuing Education to earn her B.A. in English Language and Literature, with a minor in Computer Information Technologies.

Audrey Greathouse is a die-hard punk cabaret fan, and pianist of fourteen years. She's usually somewhere along the west coast, and she is always writing. 

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"The A - Z of Peter Pan
by Audrey Greathouse

A is for ALWAYS a child and on adventures.
B is for BEDTIME stories from Wendy at night.
C is for CANNIBAL'S Cove and it's buried treasures.
D is for DODGING the dastardly pirates we fight.
E is for ETERNALLY young and forever free.
F is for FAIRIES that twinkle and sparkle in flight.
G is for GAMES and all their ensuing gaiety.
H is for HOOK himself, horrible pirate captain, (I shake in my boots just to think of him!)
J is for the JOLLY RODGER, when he sails again.
K is for KIDS who run amok and fight on a whim.
L is for LAGOON depths that house the most beautiful
M is for MERMAIDS and their miracles in the mire.
N is for the NEVERBIRD nesting, happy and droll.
O is for OLD TALES told once more around the camp fire.
P is for PETER PAN, of course, friend to the pixies—
Q is for QUITE a bit of nonsense surrounding him.
R is for REDSKINS, a brave tribe living among trees.
S is for SWORDFIGHTING and stabbing old peg-leg Jim.
T is for TINKERBELL and Tiger Lily's sly tricks.
U is for UNDERGROUND home, always safe and sound.
V is for VICIOUS enemies getting their licks!
W is for a WOUNDED Wendy-bird falling to the ground.
X marks the spot for the greatest treasures.
Why is for questions that need no answers;
Zzzzzzz's come after a long day's adventures.

O F F I C I A   I N F O:

Author: Audrey Greathouse
Release Date: May 9, 2016
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing

Magic can do a lot—give you flight, show you mermaids, help you taste the stars, and… solve the budget crisis? That's what the grown-ups will do with it if they ever make it to Neverland to steal its magic and bring their children home.
However, Gwen doesn't know this. She's just a sixteen-year-old girl with a place on the debate team and a powerful crush on Jay, the soon-to-be homecoming king. She doesn't know her little sister could actually run away with Peter Pan, or that she might have to chase after her to bring her home safe. Gwen will find out though—and when she does, she'll discover she's in the middle of a looming war between Neverland and reality.
She'll be out of place as a teenager in Neverland, but she won't be the only one. Peter Pan's constant treks back to the mainland have slowly aged him into adolescence as well. Soon, Gwen will have to decide whether she's going to join impish, playful Peter in his fight for eternal youth… or if she's going to scramble back to reality in time for the homecoming dance. 
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Advance Praise:
"Gwen's description of growing up and high school life is one of the most accurate that I've ever read." (Across the Bookiverse)

"The author creates such a peaceful and serene place that it felt likeescape just reading about it...Through this world, the author explores the themes of what it means to grow up." (K.E. Carson, The Underground)

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