BEA 2014 Highlights, Day Three

Because sometimes, we like posting things together, too!

Hey bookworms!

I'm so sad that it's already the last day of BEA. Time flew by WAY too fast!

If you're following me on Pinterest and Twitter, you've already seen some great stuff Kat and I have found. If not, what are you waiting for?

Here's a peek at my favorite moments from yesterday:

I again didn't take any pictures, but I was completely starstruck at the Bloomsbury breakfast yesterday! We were invited to come up to their new office and see everything. It's beautiful! They also invited Sarah J. Maas and Jessica Day George to eat and mingle. It was lovely to re-meet Sarah and meet Jessica.  I loved chatting with them both! I also loved chatting with one of my favorite publicists and meeting some new bloggers! 

The best thing about getting to the convention center so late?
A shuttle to myself! 

As soon as I got to the convention center, i went to the autographing area to meet Christopher Healy.
The area was NUTS and you could barely move. Luckily,  everyone was clumped for a few authors. There wasn't a huge  line for Chris,  we were towards the front! 

Daisy Whitney was signing at the same time as Chris, so I was nervous that I couldn't see both.
Luckily,  Daisy's line was short and I could hop in!
Even though the signing was for her MG novel BEN FOX: ZOMBIE SQUIRREL, she also signed a copy of her upcoming YA novel with Bloomsbury for me!  ♥

The WE WERE LIARS "Tell Me A Lie" board was such an awesome idea! 

I said I was done after the signing mess from earlier,  but I wound up in line to meet Danielle Paige with my friend...
... And we wound up with the last two copies! I'm sure everyone in line hated us... ^^;;;
I didn't get to go into Soman Chainani's line because I was in Danielle's, but I whispered a quick hello! 

 And that's a wrap! I'm heading home soon... actually, I'll still be on the train when you see this! ... or home,  lol!

Kat and I will have a post or two this week talking about the books we're most excited about!  (But in a non-braggy way, promise!  That is NOT out intent!)