BEA 2014 Highlights, Day Two

Because sometimes, we like posting things together, too!

Hey bookworms!

I'm so sad that it's already the last day of BEA. Time flew by WAY too fast!

If you're following me on Pinterest and Twitter, you've already seen some great stuff Kat and I have found. If not, what are you waiting for?

Here's a peek at my favorite moments from yesterday:

I didn't take pictures,  but the Spencer Hill Press breakfast was lovely! We got to chat with Megan Whitmer, Kelly Hashway, Rachel Harris, Kelsey Macke, and Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Trisha Wooldridge. Lovely, lovely time!

Speaking of Spencer Hill Press...

Danielle Ellison and Alex Kahler are so adorable together!
They were both signing at the Spencer Hill Press booth!
Secret?  I hadn't heard of either before, but i saw a summary for MARTYR the day before and got grabby hands!
Everyone else will tell you the HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Mass was the craziest line they went through. Kat got there two hours early and was #62 in line! For me, it was WE WERE LIARS by E. Lockhart. I saw someone signing and a short line, so I hopped into it. Oh no no.... it was double wrapped though a couple of aisles!

And I got to meet E. Lockhart again, along with Gayle Forman, Meg Wolitzer, and Jandy Nelson:

 The Realistic YA panel!
Got to chat with Kelly Barnhill and check out her new upcoming MG! And she remembered me from online ♥

I got to see my girl Alethea AGAIN!
Love her and her outfits!
Gah, I thought I'd miss meeting Miranda Kenneally. So lucky!!! I've supported her since her debut! Oh hi, and my favorite Sourcebooks publicist is photobombing!
Maggie Stiefvater, up on a table at Books of Wonder!
Such a troublemaker... ^.~
She was on panel with Garth Nix, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Alethea Kontis, Alaya Dawn Johnson, Gretchen McNeil, and A.G. Howard!
More pictures from the event are on Pinterest! 

 And that's a wrap!  I should start getting ready for the final day. I'm about to be completely shy and overwhelmed and cotton-tongued! I was lucky enough to be invited to a breakfast with Sarah J. Maas and Jessica Day George... *at* the Bloomsbury publishing house office. I just... can't. CANNOT COMPUTE!

See you again tomorrow!