CINDER On Sale!! $2.99, Limited Time ONLY!!!!

Welcome to A Week of Rapunzel in celebration of our favorite long-haired heroine...
not to mention the launch of Marissa Meyer's CRESS!
Check out my daily schedule of events!
Grab some promotional buttons for your blog
and stop back all week long for fun guest posts, exciting author visits, giveaways, reviews,
and more for CRESS!
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Everyone has done such a great job promoting #SaveCress on Social Media that we've all been rewarded with a special treat!

What reward has been unlocked?

A great e-book deal!!! 

For a limited time, grab CINDER for only $2.99!!!!

And if you already have it, tell all your friends. Get them reading this great series!!!

The Mission: 

One Million tweets, tumbles, likes, shares, hashtags, and then some. The sweepstakes will open in tiers filled with awesome prizing until we reach our goals. We want everyone to Join the resistance and save Cress. Are you ready?