IN MY MAILBOX: 02.05.12
"I get books to read and then ultimately share my thoughts about with my readers. As much as I want to, I can’t possibly read every book I receive. Yet, I still wanted a way to feature those books on the blog, even though it might not be in the form of a review. Problem solved! Every week I'd share the books I received that week... ones I'd bought, or gotten at the library, and ones that I'd receive to review on the blog. That way I could mention titles that might not otherwise get some face-time on The Story Siren..."
I find the same thing happening at A Backwards Story. I'm so backed up on reviews atm... That's why I like these videos!
*None atm :(
[link to my GoodReads account so you can see my blurb feed as I read]
*HERE by Denise Grover Swank
*Happy Book Day to FEVER and SHADOWS!
*Waiting on Wednesday: Double Cover Reveal Edition
*Breaking News: New Book Coming from JK Rowling!
The Cheapskate Buyer Edition!
This makes up for last week's haul, which consisted 100% of books I didn't pay for. This week and next week will feature two big box boxes! I called this week the Cheapskate Edition because...the reason I have these two big boxes coming? Back in December when I got an amazing deal, I ordered a bunch of paperbacks and split the orders with books coming out through April. I had to put a certain amount of $ together for free s/h, too, so I'm going to be getting a big box or two each month. This probably only saves a few dollars (maybe $5 a box), but it all adds up!!
*FEVER by Lauren DeStefano {It came, it came, it finally came! And it's so pretty and shiny and I could NEVER read this as an ebook because, as you'll see in the video, you lose ALL of the fabulous formatting!!! I reviewed WITHER last year and loved it! You can also see a breakdown of the cover design if you don't feel like watching the video!}
*TRUTH by Julia Karr {I reviewed this dystopian series last year when Karr's novel XVI debuted. I was also lucky enough to participate on the TRUTH Blog Tour last month. You can view the author's guest post here!}
*RANGER'S APPRENTICE #7: ERAK'S RANSOM by John Flannagan {I need to catch up on this series! I'm a bit behind...}
*RANGER'S APPRENTICE #8: THE KINGS OF CLONMEL by John Flannagan {And by behind, I mean that I've read, like, four of these...two years, yeah...}
*THE RED CROSS KNIGHT by Sarah Prineas {This ebook only cost 99¢ on my nook AND all of the proceeds went to charity. Thumbs up for a classy author! I purchased this after finishing WINTERLING, which I'll be reviewing soon. I really enjoyed the book and am looking forward to its companion/sequel, SUMMERKIN, in 2013!}
*GATE TO KANDRITH by Nicole Luiken [Out March 26, 2012]
(Thank you to Carina Press! Pictured with my copies of VIOLET EYES and SILVER EYES, two books I used to love and keep meaning to re-read! It will be fun to read Nicole again now...and as an adult author, no less!)
*DARK FROST by Jennifer Estep [Out May 29, 2012]
(Thank you to Kensington! I still need to finish reading the second book in the series, which I started a couple of months ago now and sort of...lost. ^^;;;)
*A TEMPTATION OF ANGELS by Michelle Zink [Out March 20, 2012]
(Thank you to Dial/Penguin! I haven't read Michelle Zink's last series, but this new book intrigues me!)
*TRUTH by Julia Karr {I reviewed this dystopian series last year when Karr's novel XVI debuted. I was also lucky enough to participate on the TRUTH Blog Tour last month. You can view the author's guest post here!}
*RANGER'S APPRENTICE #7: ERAK'S RANSOM by John Flannagan {I need to catch up on this series! I'm a bit behind...}
*RANGER'S APPRENTICE #8: THE KINGS OF CLONMEL by John Flannagan {And by behind, I mean that I've read, like, four of these...two years, yeah...}
*THE RED CROSS KNIGHT by Sarah Prineas {This ebook only cost 99¢ on my nook AND all of the proceeds went to charity. Thumbs up for a classy author! I purchased this after finishing WINTERLING, which I'll be reviewing soon. I really enjoyed the book and am looking forward to its companion/sequel, SUMMERKIN, in 2013!}
(Thank you to Carina Press! Pictured with my copies of VIOLET EYES and SILVER EYES, two books I used to love and keep meaning to re-read! It will be fun to read Nicole again now...and as an adult author, no less!)
*DARK FROST by Jennifer Estep [Out May 29, 2012]
(Thank you to Kensington! I still need to finish reading the second book in the series, which I started a couple of months ago now and sort of...lost. ^^;;;)
*A TEMPTATION OF ANGELS by Michelle Zink [Out March 20, 2012]
(Thank you to Dial/Penguin! I haven't read Michelle Zink's last series, but this new book intrigues me!)
What did you get in your mailbox this week?